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DMK cameras and video astronomy


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I think this may well be a dumb question... Can DMK cameras be used for video astronomy (ie stream live integrated picture to computer) or are they only suitable for imaging?

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Ah-ha.... thanks. I don't need to neccesarily capture the stresm, just view it.

My thinking is I want to look at the sun without putting my eyeball near an eyepiece, and also to get live video of fainter DSOs I can't otherwise see from my location.

If I could get something that would do that (integrated video for the DSOs) as well as a simple live stream for the sun, and can also be used to take ultragood pics of the planets - then I would be very happy.

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As Ron says, providing you have the necessary safe filters you can use IC Capture with the DMK to give a "live view" on the screen - change exposures etc etc.

That's the set up we normally use to frame the sun and get the best focus and exposure...when everything is OK just press the record button.

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Erm, burning out the DMK would be 'not good'. The question would be - with a solar filter in place (like Baader AstroSolar film), what F ratio would be a safe intensity? But as mentioned on another thread, my budget may well have expanded to a PST - I presume that will be a safe option (safe for my eyes too).

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With a Baader Solar film in place, any and all f ratios are safe.

Interesting re "stack on the fly" - I don't know.

Obviously you can set the exposure time per frame to anything you want from 0.0001sec to many minutes!!! The screen displays the image at the selected exposure (independent of the frame rate) I've never tried with very long exposures - possibly an opportunity there.

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But a DMK doesnt have 'integration' like a Mintron or Watec does it? It cant 'stack on the fly' to enhance live images of faint DSO AFAIK


Instead of integration you can set equaly long exposure to do the same. It also has (in IC Capture AS) "noise reduction" functions that displays frame composited from 2-4 stacked single frames. It can be used like a Watecs and other TV/Video analog cameras - either by longer exposure or by exposure time and "noise reduction" ;)

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