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First images of the sun


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Hi all

This is some of my first attempts to photograph the sun. I have a 6inch Skywatcher, and Canon powershot A720, and attaches it with an LA-DC58G adaptor. MY filter is Baader Astrosolar foil. Problem I have is I cant use a big magnification on my scope, because the camera catches the edge of the eyepiece, but in this image the disc of the sun is 35x, and the enlarged sunspots are 70x plus some optical zoom, to minimize the edges of the eyepiece.

I took a lot of images, but I still need to work out how registax works, as some images stacks perfectly, but some doesn't want to align at all, it just stacks them without aligning.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Thats great. How did you manage to get the sunspots visible?

I found with my DSLR shot that I took yesterday the whole disk shot didnt show any sun spots at all.

Assuming there were spots on the visible disk, could it have been poor focus?

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Hey smerral, I suppose it is a simple explaination. Im new to solar imaging so dont really know what Im doing, but I guess sunspots can vary in the length of time they are visible etc?

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