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Imaging choice for newb.

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Hi all

NO I have not gone over to the dark side but I have been asked by a newbie to give advice to two scopes given he is a keen photographer and may eventually want to go into AP.

He has suggested two scopes:

Skywatcher Explorer 200P HEQ5

First Light Optics - Skywatcher Explorer 200P HEQ5 PRO

and probably has the option to buy mount and then goto later

Skywatcher Skyliner 200P FlexTube GOTO

First Light Optics - Skywatcher Skyliner 200P FlexTube GOTO

These are both excellent starter scopes and will both be great for visual use.

The dob is clearly not the best for AP and I'll tell him this. My question really is relating to the HEQ5 mount and its realistic ability to work with an 8" newt for imaging.

I think it would be OK but has anyone used this combo please for images? I suppose ultimately he can also buy a small apo and attach this to the HEQ5 pro and then make or buy a dob base in due course if he wants to do that?

Given my numptieness with AP, any comments will be appreciated.



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The HEQ5 would be marginal for an 8 inch Newt. On here some have said yes and some have said no. In my book, for imaging, 'maybe' means 'no' because it is hard enough as it is. I'm looking at an 8 inch Newt as I type and my heart and head also say no.


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cheers all

I think this answers the concerns in my head based on what others have said.

perhaps the best choice is the EQ5 pro with 8" newt for now / visual and maybe planets with a webcam and then if he wants to do AP properly a small frac like a WO Megrez in due course.

I have tried to convince him about the issues associated with AP but he's keen I think to get an all rounder. we all know these don't really exist.

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