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North American and Pelican Nebulae


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Well - I managed two hours of data (2min subs), this time of the Pelican Nebula, to add to my NGC 7000 from the other night. The idea being to try and make a mosaic of this area. The Pelican seems considerably fainter than NGC7000 but it seems to have come out OK.

SW EQ80 PRO, Reducer, SW LP Filter, Unmodded Canon 1000D, HEQ5/EQMOD/ASCOM guided with finder/QHY5. Processed in DSS, PS CS5 with Noel's actions. Merged with Canon Photostitch (as MS ICE wouldn't do it and I don't know how to merge in PS yet!!)

I'm reasonably pleased with the outcome as these are my first attempts at Nebulae and a mosaic.


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(as MS ICE wouldn't do it and I don't know how to merge in PS yet!!)

I'm reasonably pleased with the outcome as these are my first attempts at Nebulae and a mosaic.

Nice image Bizibilder.

Regarding merging in PS -

the way I do it is to put each image on a different layer. If only merging 2 images, set the opacity of the top image to 50% (so you can see the image underneath), then manually move the top image until it overlays the corresponding bits of the lower image, then reset opacity back to 100%. To make a seamless join, I find using a combination of layer masks works just fine (you can adjust the opacity of the mask to achieve a perfect blend).

I'm sure there are more complex ways of doing it, but this method has never let me down for producing composites and panoramas etc.


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