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A bit spare of the moment, I decided on Friday night it looked clear enough so set everything up for a session. I put the C8 SCT on the EQ6 with the camera equipment and went for a fairly high target. Had great difficulty calibrating the guide scope, even with bigger steps, so gave up and lowered my sights to nearer the ecliptic. Here it calibrated OK, but the steps were quite large. Looking nearby for a target, saw M12 and decided that was it. It was only after the session that I noticed I'd left the 0.8FR on the camera from my last refracter setup. This could have contributed to the guiding problem. Also, the 0.8FR is designed for 400-600mm focal length, not 2000mm! However, the stars looked round in the corners so perhaps its OK. Certainly it gave me my longest focal length images ever at 1400mm! Anyway, usual cack processing, but slowly getting better. Thanks for looking.

Equipment: EQ6 + C8 SCT + 0.8FR (!) + IDAS LPF + SX(OAG+FW+H16)

Exposure: 8x240s L, 8x60s RGB (2x2). DSS + PS


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