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Celestron Neximage RAW AVI

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Hello, I hope someone can help with this query.

Tried to use my 5 x Amplifier with my 150mm Mak the other night.

Eventually got the image in the field of view and started capturing.

Had to go with 5 fps as any increase rendered Saturn invisible.

I don't know what the interference is in the AVI, what is causing it. Played around with the settings (Fps, Brightness, Gain etc) but when I stacked the best frames i get a pretty naff image (see attached)

The seeing wasn't great but I cannot see that this would create the lines across the field of view.

Anyway, If anyone had any ideas or tips then any info would be really appreciated.

I've attached a frame from the raw avi showing the lines plus the resultant stacked image crudely processed in Registax 5.1. Happy for each to be used and abused.

Telescope detail:

150mm Skywatcher Mak

5 x Televue Powermate

f/l of scope (without the x5 = 1800 / F12

Thanks in advance.




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You did amazingly well to get Saturn into view with a 5x barlow. I have trouble enough lineing it up with a 2x.

Did you import and export the RAW avi file with AviRaw . I don't think Registax can handle RAW formats natively.

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Thanks for the replies Guys - Much appreciated.

I think your right Riklaunim. Thinking about this if the neximage equates to a 6mm eyepiece then the resulting magnification is in the region of 1800x.

Firmware hasn't been updated - probably the next step but with the 2 x Barlow.

Bigron - just used the standard AM Cap software that came with the camera - Is there a better piece of software anyone can recommend?

BTW Yes it was a pain to find. Here are my tips:

Make sure your finder is accurately aligned wit hthe main scope.

Pop the camera in the Telescope

Get the focus about right by locating the Moon (assuming its up !) in the live view frame.

Replace the camera with an eyepiece.

Find Saturn in the eyepiece fied of view.

Center Saturn in the field of view EXACTLY !!!

Remove the eyepiece / Replace with the camera.

If your lucky its there if it isn't you can either gently nudge the RA and Dec axis' either way but not too much.

Finally - be patient - if can take a few attempts but you will find it.

Couple of other things to bear in mind;

make sure your batteries have plenty of juice so that the image remains in the centre of the field of view

Make sure your telescope mount is lined up

Make sure your tripod is level

make sure your Gain is on full exposure to find the image (you can readjust once you've found it.



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