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Mount/Scope Packages?

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Forgive me for what probably seems like a silly question

When buying a mount and OTA separately from a retailer, for example Skywatcher EQ5 SynScan GOTO Equatorial Mount | Telescope Mounts | Rother Valley Optics & Explorer 150P OTA Tube Only | Telescopes | Rother Valley Optics. Do you end up with the same kit as you would have if you had bought both together as a package?

Are there any additional fixing or brackets one would need?



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As a general rule, the only problem is cost. Often a package is significantly less than the individual prices. Time to talke with the retailer if you don't like the default scope/mount pairing. You often find different retailers offer different packages as well.

In today's economic climate, you, the person with the money, are in a good position to decide on the package and negotiate down from the individual prices. Talk to the retailers. FLO are very friendly, as are RVO who you have mentioned.

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