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Is this broken?

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I have a Skywatcher 130p. Set it up nicely but just noticed when turning the Right Ascension adjustment, although the scope moves correctly on the axis, the actual scale setting circle also moves with the pointer. I would have thought the pointer should have stayed still so I can read what point on the axis I an at.

Might sound a silly question but I dont see why the circle and pointer move together.


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It's academic - the setting circles on these mounts are only for show anyway. They're not accurate enough to be of any real use. There should be a knurled knob at the back of the scope that holds or releases it just above the scale FWIW.

Imho - Use Stellarium, you'll have more success :D

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It depends if the RA or DEC axis clutches are engaged or not, If the clutches are engaged the pointer will follow the scale as the mount is moved to track an object using to slo-mo cable. If the cluches are released and the mount is manually slewed to a target, the pointer then shows the current RA reading.


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