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Tips for using Webcams?


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You will already have the ir/uv block filter attached (if you buy the Morgan SPC900) so go with just that to start. For the Moon a red filter is often used (and processing used to turn the imsge B&W again) as this can help with colour problems due to the Earth's atmosphere - I'm not sure if your filter would have any additional benefit for you.

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I think I've come up with a fairly good idea for getting focus easily with a webcam.

The idea is to print out this measuring scale, and sticking it on the top of the draw tube. Then, go out one night, and spend some time finding the right focus, once found, mark it on the measuring scale (with a pen/pencil).

Then, when you come to focus with the webcam again, just put the focus draw tube in the same spot, and you'll be focused straight away.

This could be repeated with every eyepiece, so that you'd be able to quickly focus with no hassle.

Any reasons why this wouldn't work/any suggestions?

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Can't see why it wouldn't work.

Next time the weather allows me out I'm going to fit a spare 10mm eyepiece (one of the Skywatcher ones shipped with the scope) with a parfocal ring. Once I have the webcam properly focussed I'll adjust the parfocal ring on the eyepiece so it focuses in the same place, making finding targets far easier in the future.


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I just use a fine permanent marker on the draw tube - there are several labelled lines drawn on mine for various set-ups. You still have to "fine tune" the focus but it does speed things up. I wouldn't bother with the paper as it may cause problems jamming the focusser - or go a bit "yukky" if it gets damp with dew.

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I admit I have been lazy and not read through all of the reply's so someone may have posted these already.

I came across a great set of video tutorials on setting up SharpCap for imaging with your webcam as well as a simple guide on how to produce results with Registax.


Hopefully they are of some help.



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