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I'm imaging again at last!!!


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Wooohooo!!! A clear night at last!!

Met office said there was cloud moving in to the east by 10pm but there was no sign at 9:00 so I've headed down to my workshop and started an imaging run using my new f2.8 200mm lens for the first time. I'm about 30mins of data down now on the galaxy cluster in Virgo... Lots of LP but I can clearly see 20+ galaxies on the subs that are coming in.

Gonna grab 45 mins or so total then aim for the Elephant trunk and/or north American nebulae areas next and see if I can get an hour on those.

Can't tell you how exciting it is to be out under crystal skies imaging again after a two week break!!


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Same here bud :eek: superb isn't it?

After 3 weeks of pea-soup we've finally got some properly clear (and dark) sky... yay!! Im up for an all nighter if my body can take it :)

On the leo triplet at the mo, will turn my attentions to NGC7023 later once its above the house.

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Just started a run at ISO 800 on IC1396.... can't see anything much in the way of nebulosity on the subs but the stars look pin sharp, my polar alignment is bang on and the go-to seems to be on the ball too so I'm just keeping my fingers crossed. Hey, if nothing else I'll get a nice rich starfield image :-)

I stopped at 40mins on the Virgo cluster, but at f2.8 that should yield a reasonable result.

I'm gonna be shattered tomorrow but, gonna try and stick it out to 1:30 or so and get NGC7000 too.


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Well, got 50 mins on IC1396... Have just started a run on NGC7000 which should take me through to about 1:30... Then I just need to bring the gear inside, shoot a few flats against the wall in the workshop and off home to bed... To probably be woken by a crying baby at 6:00 am :-)

I am such a lightweight at this imaging lark :-)


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Just got to bed after just over 3 hours of 10 minute subs on M81/M82. Grabbed some quick bias and flat frames but no time for darks:( will try and grab some tomorrow night and hope the temperature is the same.

Looking forward to processing this one and comparing it to my very first DSO image taken last year which was also M81/M82. :)

I've attached a piccy showing APT in action.


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