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got some dollar to spend

starship trooper

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hi there,

I have got a little bit of money to spend on some bits for my sw 200pds and was wondering what you people think i should spend in on.

At the moment the gear i have for my scope at the mo is eyepieces badaar ortho 7mm and the 2" 28mm sw eyepiece that came with the scope i also have a 2X barlow lens and a moon filter.

I also have a a spc900 modded sc1.5 with a uv/ir filter.

Now i am looking to get using the webcam for imaging planets and dso so i have been looking a Baader Neodymium Filter to cut down the sky glow or is that a waste because i already have a moon filter and uv/ir filter?

Would it be worth getting a focal reducers for imaging wide field objects ?Or maybe a 4X barlows or powermate?

I have been looking at the bst explorer eyepieces and the tmb clones because i hear there good value for money but what sort of focal length would you go for i was thinking maybe a 3.2mm and a 15mm

Anyway my budget is £100 so what would be the first things you would get if you were in my shoes?

All help appreciated thanks dazz:icon_scratch:

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I'm planning to get a couple of TMB's as they seem to have a great rep for the price, but I think the next purchace for me is going to be a Meade Teleextender, either 3x or 5x... haven't decided yet.

If you have a fair bit of LP then I'd say a filter would be good - I'd be interested to know if the Baader is worth the extra money.

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A Hyperion 8mm-24mm zoom lens would fill the gaps in your range of ep's very nicely - the Mk2 is around £100 s/h. I assume you have a field power pack? LP filter is only £20 new - allways good if you're near lights. You'll need dew control eventually so you could look into that. Just a few ideas :)

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cool thanks for the ideas i had thought about a zoom eyepiece but didnt know how good they are.

i do have light polluted skies so do you think the badaar filter is worth the extra bucks or should i just get a lp filter? which one is good?

i am looking at the imagemate 4X barlow for imaging with my spc900 is it a good make?

Thanks for all the help guys cheers dazz

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Cheap zooms are dire.. the medium and higer price ones can be ratehr nice...

I still like a cheap 8-24 zoom when I am using the Webcam or DMK as its great for re-centering a lost target if its made roughly parafocal with the cams...

There not much difference between the Baader and SW... to get better performance your going to need to go for a more expensive filter so I would be inclined to try the SW one...


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