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Possible Upgrade

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Hello everyone,

Ive been checking out the SGL now for about 2 weeks because its time for an upgrade. My old 150mm reflector and mount (from Ebay) kind off fell to bits. As things stand I'm looking for a decent scope for "Visual" work but will be looking in the future to get into imaging. I will be using the scope 90% of the time in the garden and light pollution isn't a major issue. I know that my very first purchase will be "Making Every Photon Count" as it comes highly recommended by a lot of you and will be ordering it within the next few days. But in the mean time Ive been doing a little research and I'm thinking about the set up below. I know that after reading the book, doing more research and input from you guys my thoughts might change but what do you think?

Skywatcher EXPLORER 250PDS Newtonian Reflector

This scope will mostly be used for visual work but at a later date could be used for imaging. I have read a lot of posts around this forum suggesting aperture is key but if this scope doesn't work out for imaging i will (at a later date) invest in a .............(see below)

Sky-Watcher Equinox 80 PRO ED APO Refractor (at a later date)

Have read great things about this scope. Although its a lot smaller in size the image quality this can produce is second to none.

Sky-Watcher STARTRAVEL 80T (at a later date)

I think that if i "piggybacked" this to the 250PDS it would make finding planets, nebulae, clusters etc easier and also give me a nice second perspective.

Sky-Watcher EQ6 SynTrek Deluxe Super Heavy Duty Equatorial Mount

If i do buy the 250PDS ill need something very stable to mount it on and with the weight of the scope and possibly imaging in the future i think it will have to be this mount. I also want to control the scope from a laptop with EQMOD.

Skywatcher Coma Corrector (at a later date)

Is this only for DSLR camera's or will it work for CCD imaging as well because i think that ill go down the route of CCD?

Baader Laser Collimator

Will be used to align my optics for better imaging (at a later date) and general viewing.

Baader Hyperion 8mm 1.25" / 2" Eyepiece

Baader Hyperion 13mm 1.25" / 2" Eyepiece

Baader Hyperion 17mm 1.25" / 2" Eyepiece

Baader Hyperion 24mm 1.25" / 2" Eyepiece

Revelation 2" ED Barlow Lens 2x

After reading the "Sticky - Eyepieces - the very least you need." at the top of this forum I think the sizes are perfect for the 250PDS and they give a decent field of view (68 degree's) but as the scope is a fast scope F/4.9 would these be ok?

Phillips SPC900nc (at a later date)

I hear this is a good CCD camera for astrophotography and at a very good price.


My budget will be around £2000 but i don't want to go spending that all at once because this time round i want to take my time to learn about astronomy and astrophotography so i can get the best out of it. I'm mainly looking toward the scope and mount first but keeping imaging at the back of my mind for the future.

Sorry for such a long post but i though it would be best to try and keep it all in one place. Please feel free to comment or correct me in anyway you see fit.

Many thanks

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Looks like you have done your homework very well - that is an exellent set-up! If you are not going to have a fixed mount I would suggest maybe moving down to a 200mm reflector - anything bigger is really heavy to handle, especially with guide scopes etc atached. If you are building an Obsy of any sort then go for it!!

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Looks like you have done your homework very well - that is an exellent set-up! If you are not going to have a fixed mount I would suggest maybe moving down to a 200mm reflector - anything bigger is really heavy to handle, especially with guide scopes etc atached. If you are building an Obsy of any sort then go for it!!

I was thinking that the weight would be a problem. Any idea when the EQ7 will be released? Ive read a lot about people saying you need to upgrade by 100mm to really appriciate the difference so thats why i choose the 250PDS.

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That is a good bit of homework.

For the webcam, you may want to consider getting early.

This is still for sale at Morgan Computers, but from what I hear these are normally allot more expensive.


The rest will be a brilliant set up.

WOW thats a great price. The only place ive seen them is Ebay and im not buying from there again. Thanks a lot.

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Like the idea of 2 scopes for different purposes. Well done, the 250 will work very well for visual and the ed 80 will work well for imaging (at least as I understand it ) I wouldn't bother trying to image with the 250 not if you intend to get the ed 80. as the 250 is too large to image with the eq6. but the mount will take the 250 for visual and will be great with the ed80 for imaging. If I had the money I would be going for something similar or perhaps a 200p dob and the ed80 on a heq5. that way I could be doing visual whilst collecting my subs on the ed80

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