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LX modded webcam with a Meade LX90 ???

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Hi all. Can someone please answer this q. had some fun over the last few months doing some webcaming of solar system objects with my LX90.

Seen for sale the LX modded version of this webcam. Any point in buying and using with my LX90 SCT. I have no wedge for the scope.

Would I get any decent results at all with this setup or am I completely barking up the wrong tree. I am thinking that the exposure times required would require the tracking of my scope to be very accurate.

Any viewpoints appreciated with possible alternatives.

Thx John

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Hi guys. Not sure if i clear in my question here. I already have the " standard " webcam and have done some nice webcamming of solar system objects with my LX90.

I'm now thinkin of DSO web camming with an LX version of the webcam. Seen a couple for sale.

Will this work with my Meade LX 90 10 inch.

I dont have a wedge but once I set the scope up it tracks very well. Will this suffice given the exposure times required for DSO imaging ?

I was thinkin of buying a DSLR but without the wedge I dont think imaging without a wedge wud work.

thx again John

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Without the wedge you might get up to a couple of mins on the brighter dso's with really good tracking. But if you want to take it seriously you'll need the wedge to go with. Accurate polar alignment really is essential for the fainter objects and you'll want exposures of 5-10mins or more. You can however use a webcam for guiding whilst snapping LE with a dslr (if you have one). But that's a whole other setup :)

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