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I still cant get over how bright it was in the sky, i realized i actually saw it the night before but mistaken it for a low flying plane..i remember thinking too myself it was strange how the planes light wasn't flashing and was on constantly..of course the next night i then realized that was the spacestation:).

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Im 100% certain it was a meteor Alimac, a large piece broke away as it entered the atmosphere:)

I have no idea how large it may have been, or how far away it was visible from, im really hoping some more people got too see this because it was amazing.

I waited for the ISS afterwards but could not see it, so i assumed i had missed it and walked back round the front (2 min walk) as i got there i noticed it pass over so the meteor was a few mins before ISS was at the top of the sky.

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nope mate completely different trajectory, it was moving south too north and a large piece broke off leaving a trail of molten rocks behind it. Iv never seen anything like it when looking at the sky.

PS. it had an orange tint to it.

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It looked really big but could it have acctualy been quite small? im wondering if it was basketball size or something and only visible to southcoast astronomers.

Normaly id guess i may have been the only one too see this but with so many preparing for the ISS pass someone else must have seen this?!.

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I didnt leave the flat till 21.45pm uk time, heavens above said the ISS passed at 21.49 and stellariam confirmed this so i went out 5 mins early, must have been waiting there a good 2 mins so i would guess the time was 21.47/21.48.

I was so excited i forgot about the ISS somewhat, then i got too the front of the flats (mabey another minite) the ISS passed overhead and was clearly visable in a brightly lit area, that was the icing on the cake:)

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It was probably one of the Lyrid meteors which are peaking tonight.

I think (correctme if im wrong) the meteors are maybe the size of a grain of sand or even smaller. They are the leftovers from a comet that passed infront of earths orbit a very long time ago and at the same time every year we see meteors.

Ive just been looking out my window for probably an hour and havent seen a thing :)

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It was probably one of the Lyrid meteors which are peaking tonight.

I think (correctme if im wrong) the meteors are maybe the size of a grain of sand or even smaller. They are the leftovers from a comet that passed infront of earths orbit a very long time ago and at the same time every year we see meteors.

Ive just been looking out my window for probably an hour and havent seen a thing :)

Are you looking in the North-East direction because I think that is where they come from.

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Hi everyone,

About an hour ago I dragged my family and girlfriend outside to see the ISS for the first time. They were all very apprehensive and i was hoping that we could see it. After brief period of no activity it came sailing accross the sky so bright. I was amazed at how bright it was. Superb! We watched it cross the sky and then fade away in brightness as it entered the earths shadow. Really amazing sight. I'll be looking later but it's much lower so not expecting to see it.


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Are you looking in the North-East direction because I think that is where they come from.

Thats what I thought at first hense the name Lyrid coming from the constellation Lyra which is north east but then I watched a video and it said that they radiate out from Lyra so can be seen anywhere in the sky.

http://topaz.streamguys.tv/~spaceweather/ this is quite cool, you can here the meteors live as bleep like sounds.

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Did anyone just catch the meteor just before the ISS pass?!?!?

I saw a meteor about 2 mins before the ISS passed - it was very bright and dived into Orion - wonderful sight - I had also aligned my sope on Pollux and saw the ISS pass through - it only took about a second to flash through the EP but it was amazingly bright - I tracked it for about another second or so before I lost it in the scope and followed it with the naked eye - best pass I've ever seen!!

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I check Stellarium occasionally to see when the ISS is passing and last time I bothered, I was surprised to see that even a pair of 10x25 binos could resolve it into a small, but fuzzy H shape. Even the wife, who is interested in nothing, thought that was quite cool. I quit while I was ahead...


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