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Star Atlas - which order?

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I have the Pocket Sky Atlas, which has the maps ordered by declination, then RA, so the following page shows the sky "below" the current page.

However, I've also downloaded the free TriAtlas, which does it the other way around, with the next page to the W of the current page. I've also heard the Sky Atlas 2000 is ordered in this way.

So the question: which method is more common, and which do you prefer?

For me, I've got used to my Pocket Sky Atlas, and I'm almost reluctant to buy a larger atlas which is arranged in a different way. However, if the other way is standard, then I'll just have to get used to it. Unless there's a good atlas out there organised like the PSA...


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Hi Andrew, I don't mind the order of the maps, as long as each map is marked

at the edge, to show which page is in that direction. My early edition PSA was

missing that, so I added relevant numbers at map edges. Don't know if later

editions have that on them, but it's essential I think.

Regards, Ed.

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