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Last night at about 1030 i was looking through 20 80 binoculors high in the west and saw a a white ball going very fast north. 12 minutes later another and about 15 minutes again. The first seemed to have a bit of shape. No tail-it was a bit misty though- but a dark patch in the light at the back of it. The last 2 going almost direct north. Coukd i really have seen 3 vomets in one night?

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when i was a kid i thought comets moved across the sky visually and was convinced i'd seen one shoot across the sky. It was i later found out a meteor.

Viewing a comet, you wouldnt see it move. It would stay in a position in the sky all night and then the next night would have moved slightly and so on and so on.. whilst gradually increasing or decreasing in brightness normally over days/weeks

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I saw one too at about 22:15 last night, very bright, appeared to have white/yellow sparks and covered a good 20 degrees between Leo and Lynx, heading towards UMa. Thought it might be related to the upcoming shower but the radiant completely wrong so must have been some random stuff. Nice to see though.


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Theyre not chinese lanterns. I ve just seen 2 more going in opposite directions. But i m sure they arnt meteors either. I estimate they take about 4 minutes to travel the middle 2/3 of the sky One was going sse the other north. Can these be sattelites.same size and speed and brightness. Just glad they cant be chinese lanterns!jonathon

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