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Everything posted by seven_legs

  1. thanks for the reply, but I am not using a Barlow lens. I have used this eyepiece on many scope off various sizes up to 16" and observed planets and such at different heights in the sky and it has been fine. I saw Mars at opposition 2018 through a 16" dob and was so low down in the sky I had to go on my knee's to look through this eyepiece and it was great. I feel something not right with this scope. there must be other people with the same scope and eyepieces not having problems.
  2. yeah the cheap eyepiece that came with the scope does not have the yellow tinge around the edge. the 2" eyepiece is tried and tested on various scopes it is a great eyepiece. checked collimation and thats fine. thanks for the reply
  3. Hi all, I brought this scope around last October and only took it out twice. First time was just after lockdown in April. That time I did not use it as it was cloudy. Second time was few days ago. Anyway I thought I would look at the thin crescent moon and was surprised to see a yellow tinge around the moon and around the edge of the 31mm Tele Vue nagler 82º eyepieces. With Jupiter there was a horrible red tinge to the bottom of the disc and had a general false colour around it. I thought perhaps it was because it was low down in the sky. The stars looked ok but I thought M13 looked a bit dim. I did not take any other eyepieces with me. Today I Noticed that the primary mirror had like a mist, film layer on the surface with a little cleaner area on the edge. I left it about a hour just to make sure it was not reacting to different air temperature. I pointed the scope to the sky and again the yellow tinge around the eyepiece. I tried another 1.25 25mm eyepiece and that was fine. Next I borrowed another 2" Explore Scientific 100° eyepiece from my friend and the same yellow tinge around the eyepiece was there. I am tempted to clean the mirror but I'm not sure that will do anything. Any ideas would be welcome.
  4. thanks, i always like the monthly thing on youtube
  5. When is sky at night supposed to be on? Thought it would be tonight.
  6. Yeah. I've the solid tube, non goto 200p skywatcher scope. That's not a problem moving around really.
  7. Scope is light enough to move around for me and i am a fit 53 year old. Sorry wrong topic😊
  8. thanks Beulah, I agree with everything you said.
  9. Thanks all for the feedback. Just waiting for clear skies😊
  10. So will all know what a crappy year it has been. For myself frustration has been building up over many months not been able to take the "big" scope out to one of the dark sites for safety reason. My own garden is really to small for my 16" scope and I have limited view of the sky in a bad light polluted area. So I decided to invest in a small grab and go scope just for the back garden. I know some people will raise an eyebrow when I call a 8" dob a small grab and go scope but to me it is. After doing a lot of research I thought the 8" Skywatcher would do the trick nicely. As most people know telescopes have become like gold dust during the last 6 months or so. Anyway it must of been my lucky day because I noticed Trings Astronomy had one in stock, which I ordered on a Friday, came on the Monday. This was at the beginning of November and as with all good telescope stories it been cloudy ever since or clear when I have been working nights at the hospital😪. The scope itself looks and feels solid. The focuser seems very basic but might change that later. just really looking forward to using it and as often other people say that their smaller scope are often the most used scope.
  11. Ordered a Skywatcher 200p Dobsonian mid afternoon on Friday was delivered by Monday 2pm. So nice to buy from a dealer and they do not charge for delivering. Great service, thanks🙂
  12. Yeah bit like that with my 16" dob as i can only use it when I go to a dark site. My garden bit small for that. 10 or 12" dob more ideal really
  13. Nice scope. How come you got rid of it?
  14. Didn’t know that, thanks. I like blue as well. what Orion Optics scope have you got John?
  15. Thanks Martin. It all depends on me selling my 16” explore scientific dob. Which I will put up for sale in the next day or two.
  16. Yeah I know of David luckhurst scope. Very nice scopes but out of my price range at the moment. will probably go to Orion Optics uk, I thinks. As I’m after a 10 or 12” dob with 1/10 wave mirror. thanks
  17. Thinking of getting a Dob. I know of Orion Optics Uk but still waiting for a reply to my email I sent a couple of days ago. so has anyone had any dealings with beacon hill telescopes lately? i remember years ago my friend had a 10” dob from them and that was a great scope.
  18. Sounds like a great scope. Would like some photos though.😀
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