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Everything posted by cajen2

  1. Really? The SL has a 2-screw ring and seems to have no problem gripping the Baader. At last - a problem I haven't got!
  2. Just bought this to replace the stock reducer on my StellaLyra 8" dob. Why? Well, I'm sure many of you have the same problem as me. I find my target, carefully centre it in the FOV, then try to change eyepieces. The undercuts on the EPs immediately hang up on the compression ring and pull the scope off target. This has been driving me insane! I decided to get the Baader Clicklock, which is stupidly expensive but.....I've just tested it and it does the job perfectly, even on my Pentax XWs, which were my worst offenders. This might just prevent me from having a frustration-induced heart attack!
  3. Arrived today. Ridiculously expensive but so, so useful: I've been going out of my mind, carefully centring a target, going to change eyepieces and then finding the safety undercuts hanging up on the compression ring, pushing the scope off line! 😡 I'm hoping this will solve the problem.
  4. Additional: have a word with @Stu. I'm sure he mounts his 150 that way.
  5. Sorry, I don't quite understand the problem. The scope is attached to the dob base using the dovetail, which is long enough for a large range of balance points. It's easy to achieve perfect balance that way. To attach to a mount and tripod, you just do the same thing. I know there are several people using their 150 Flextube on such mounts very successfully.
  6. There are many optical experts on here. I'm not an optical expert, but basically it goes like this: the light enters the scope and passes through the lenses (refractor) or is reflected by the large mirror (reflector). In both cases, the light becomes a cone because of the curvature of the lens / mirror. (There are other lenses or mirrors involved but the principle stays the same). The point at which the rays of light converge is where you want your eye to be. Focusing moves the eyepiece to that point, delivering a sharp image. Ok, experts, I know there's more to it than that, but I'm trying to keep it straightforward!
  7. Yes, indeed, though as I said, the outer field of view is fine. You only notice a very small difference if compared with an EP over five times the price.
  8. No idea - you'd have to contact them. I don't know the Orion one.
  9. None that I know of at that price level. The cheapest I can find is this: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/stellalyra-eyepieces/stellalyra-8-24mm-1-25-inch-lanthanum-zoom-eyepiece.html and I'm sure FLO would post to India.
  10. It's in stock at Amazon.co.uk ..... Perhaps try the Svbony website? Note that it's a much wider FOV (40-60°).
  11. As with most things, you get what you pay for with zooms. I have no idea what that one costs as I've not heard of the brand, but you might also consider a Svbony 171 or 191. An OVL Hyperflex would be even better but more expensive.
  12. Great but rather you than me with my DIY skills (or lack of them!).
  13. Sorry to stick an oar in, but there's another option that nobody's mentioned: a Skywatcher 150p Flextube dob. This closes up to be much smaller than a standard 150 and is also lighter. Mine is easy to carry in one hand. If you don't fancy carting the dob base around, it has a Vixen dovetail as standard so could be used on your AZ3 (though I haven't used that mount). Seems to me that would answer all your requirements.
  14. Mmmm, new shiny thing! ❤️ Seriously, that looks gorgeous, Magnus. Was it expensive?
  15. No problem, just a tiny drop on the thread and nowhere near the optics. It was actually squeaking as it turned before!
  16. Found the problem. On the RACI finder, there's a threaded collar which locks the helical focuser. I found both the collar and focuser almost immovable so couldn't achieve focus. A spot of WD-40 and both are now rotating freely. An odd problem to have with a brand-new finder.
  17. Interesting. My scope's also f/6, but no problems with exit pupil or SAEP. Eye placement is important to the view of course at these magnifications but that's true of most EPs. It's quite possible of course that the manufacturer has done a better job with this f/l.
  18. I also have a BST Starguider 8mm and the Svbony is at least as good as that.
  19. I bought this some months ago as a stopgap till I could afford what I thought would be better-quality glass. It was hardly ever used as FLO did the Pentax sale and I took the opportunity to get myself a 5mm XW. Who'd use a Svbony when you've got a Pentax, right? Well, tonight, I was viewing parts of M42 with the Pentax and decided I wanted just slightly lower mag. So I put the Svbony in the focuser and was amazed at just how good the little EP was (it's about a quarter of the size and weight of the Pentax). The image was crisp and to be honest, hardly any worse than an EP five + times the price. The eye relief was very slightly shorter and the very edge of field slightly less controlled but that was it! So the upshot is, if you're looking for a very cheap but good quality EP as an (even cheaper) alternative to a BST Starguider, you could do a lot worse than this Svbony. Do check models, though, as the company makes a huge range of EPs of varying quality.
  20. Use it as an excuse to "upgrade" it to a StellaLyra! Having used both a Skywatcher 150p and the SL, I can honestly say that the optics are comparable, but everything else is just so much better on the SL. A little birdie's just told me that @FLO are upgrading the SL 6", plus introducing some other new dobs.....👍
  21. Yes, I went out again tonight and did exactly that! 😄👍 I still can't focus the RACI, though. I know what to do but it just doesn't seem to work. I get fuzzy blobs, which are often enough to guess which stars they are, but it isn't very satisfactory. I'm going to take it off the scope tomorrow and have a play with it.
  22. No, you don't need a big dob, Paul.....a teeny weeny 8" would do you nicely! Just come back in from running in mine...still having problems with finder focuser and alignment, as there's nothing far enough away to focus on: surrounded by houses here. Still, some great views - I'm having to view old favourites just because I know where they are! @Mr Spock you must be irritated with your mount! I have to say mine's great: either because my scope's lighter or I'm better at IKEA building than you! 🤣🤣🤣
  23. Interesting about the mount on yours, MS. In what way do you find it flimsy? Mine seems very substantial but it's a much lighter scope.
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