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andrew s

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Posts posted by andrew s

  1. 5 hours ago, saac said:

    Perhaps it is a little naïve to expect that the momentum of success made in the early part of the 20th century would be maintained. It wouldn't be entirely surprising if these large advancements in knowledge and experimental success come in surges followed by periods of drought. No I don't think it is broken - not even sure that is possible - hard (challenging) one would certainly hope so. 

    Re the scientist fanbase - I saw Brian Cox at the weekend over at the Hydro in Glasgow ; excellent and would thoroughly recommend his tour to anybody interested in Physics. 


    I think we have looked at the highest energies and smallest scales we can realistically reach on earth. To go further we have to rely on the cosmos. In my opinion that's why theory has reached a dead end (at least for now) .

    While beauty may help guide theoretical research critical new data is what is needed. Possibly the JWST might just do that. Each new innovation in instruments has yielded new insight for theorists to get their calculators into.

    Regards Andrew s

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  2. Nature does not gamble or make any intentional actions. Variation is a random process and if a variation is, or an accumulation of variations are, advantageous or not depends on the current environment and how it changes.

    What advanced intelligence confers is an ability to adapt to a changing environment without biological changes.  We can make and put on a coat if it's cold so we don't  need a mutation to be more hairy. 

    Regards Andrew s

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  3. 3 hours ago, ollypenrice said:


    Indeed. So might we conclude that, on Earth, predation arises from the short cut it offers into higher energy densities and that intelligence is driven by predation's introduction of the need to attack and defend? If so this poses at least two questions.

    1) What would happen to life on a planet in which energy was abundant and transferable? Stellar energy, perhaps, like an extremely efficient form of photosynthesis.  If this removed the need for predation it would, we might argue, remove the need to develop intelligence. But...

    2) What would happen if this life form were threatened by, say, a inorganic threat like an unstable environment. The drive to find ways around this instability might be a driver for intelligence?


    It's not just energy density it is what form it is in. You need low entropy.  Complex structures well away from local equilibrium this is what organisms build and what can be most simply obtained by eating others. 

    Regards Andrew 

    PS we say the Sun is our source of energy, which is true, but give or take some global warming we lose an equivalent amount to the rest of the Universe.  

    What is different is the incoming light is at a high frequency (fewer photons) than the outgoing infrared ( more photons). The incoming light has a lower entropy than the outgoing . By increasing the entropy of the Universe we can reduce it locally and build complex creatures. 

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  4. 20 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

    That's true here but I can conceive of different environmental circumstances in which  a co-operative model might replace a competitive one.  I also wonder if competition drives extinction as vigorously as it drives evolution? Co-operation could also drive evolution perfectly well, the best co-operators being the best survivors.Someone must have done a PHD on this! :grin:


    Of course it already exists with symbiosis being common including the bacteria in our guts. Extinction is a consequence of evolution with the great oxygenation being a prime example.

    I think the difficulty is how evolution could select against predation especially in primitive organisms. 

    Regards Andrew 

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  5. It might be worth reviewing the basics noise regimes.  At zero to low signals read noise (including random telegraph noise, quantisation noise etc. ) dominates and is independent of the signal. This is followed by signal shot noise and is proportional to the square root of the signal. Then photon response non uniformity (PRNU) dominates as it is proportional to the signal level. Finally, saturation. 

    Various strategies can be used to reduce the effects in the various regimes.

    Personally,  irrespective of this I set my cameras for the best signal to noise ratio they can deliver usually just as the high gain mode cuts in and  then change tbe exposure accordingly. I also create and use a high s/n ratio master PRNU flat. 

    Regards Andrew 

    • Like 1
  6. This is the proposal from ASI

    "Usually we recommend slowly cooling the camera to solve the problem, which like the way you tried.
    Before letting it cool down to target cooling temp, please keep it at 5℃ for 5 minutes, then cool it down to target temp and if this continues to appear, it will basically disappear in 5-6 minutes."


    It seems to work for me.


    Regards Andrew

    • Thanks 1
  7. In looking at the speckle problem I had I tried ASIStudio and it seems to have unlocked the bin 1 mode. I have no idea how to set it back to the original mode other than use 2x2 bnning but I an not sure that the same thing.

    Help needed.

    Regards Andrew

  8. 1 hour ago, scotty38 said:

    What happens if you try cooling more slowly or don't cool so much?

    I took a series of images from ambient to -5 c all was well until -5 when the speckle pattern appeared.  Ha ha thought I. Returned to 0 c no speckles. Reduced it in 2 degree increments to -10 c no speckles!  Then to -15 c no speckles. 

    Will try drying the desiccant just in case.

    Regards Andrew 

    • Like 1
  9. 28 minutes ago, paul mc c said:

    I seem to get the same thing with my 533 mc pro,never had it until recently,I thought it may be condensation,but don't know.

    Inside on a test rig definitely not condensation as it's as dry as a bone here! Regards Andrew

    PS I will look at the sensor to check if and when it happens again as water could be trapped in the camera..

    • Like 1
  10. I have been getting a speckle issue with the camera I have been testing . I get a hot pixel surrounded by some cooler ones, see attached. Anyone come across this before? Latest software etc. Any reports at @FLO?


    Thanks Andrew



    PS this is intermittent sometime its fine but I can't find any way to consistently cause or cure it.

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  11. 5 minutes ago, Paul M said:

    I'm just about of an age that I remeber, at least by the books vailable to me at the time (low-end secondary modern education), the Steady State theory being on an almost equal footing to the Big Bang. And whilst I realise that the BB fits observational evidence and theoretical models reasonably well, I have a school boy hankering for Steady State cosmology.

    Am I alone in hoping that JWST delves close enough to the "edge" that a new pysics is required to explain observation?

    Lets do away with dark energy and dark mattter.... please! 🥳

    What would you like to replace them? 😊

    Regards Andrew 

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