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Everything posted by uk_friendly_fire

  1. Got my Pi4b Stellarmate setup with Evoguide ED50 and T7C astrocam but focusing is an issue each night out. The setup is easily transportable and dismantled frequently so I think the answer is a fixed train setup. Although I contacted the T7C supplier about the focal plane measurement I never got an answer. Does anyone know what it is? Has anyone setup the train and how was it done? Thanks for any help
  2. I read somewhere that Ircut filters reduce detail and image sharpness on gas giants and stars
  3. Before I took the filter out Jupiter was a white blob but with no stars visible. Now the sky is full of hundreds of multicoloured dots that looks like noise of some kind - yet plate solving seems to recognise stars (which I cannot see on the screen) when it didn't before. Unfortunately Jupiter wasn't visible (hidden by cloud) so couldn't try that. I'm using Stellarmate OS on a RPi4 and EKOS for target tracking and T7c photography. a) Have I done good or messed it up the camera? b) Should I screw an IRbypass filter on the nose to help reduce these dots? c) Is it just the wrong camera settings? d) Can I expect better results using a SV305 Pro? Any help much appreciated.
  4. A great THANK YOU for all your help. The camera now works under Linux after a round of deleting ms C++ 2008 and reinstalling. Firmware updater then worked in Win10. I saw a bright fuzzy ill defined blob of Jupiter this evening, so my lightweight ROBOSCOPE project is now back on its development track. I really can't praise you all enough, you have been a brilliant support group. I will be back for more help on camera settings in another post if I get stuck. Thanks again!
  5. Started VNc and command entered into desktop terminal app window. It returned the response bash: Isusb not found. Also tried this command in run window (found under file menu) with no response returned at all and window automatically closed. But Stellarmate camera usb device window does confirm camera manufacturer as ASI120mc and indi ASI driver loaded and connected to Port No 2. It seems all to close to a solution but can't achieve the final steps to update this camera's firmware.
  6. I can download to Stellarmate, unzip the compressed file but the update app does not run when double clicked, so nothing is installed. Am I trying to execute the updater incorrectly?
  7. Wim - ethernet fails to meet my project requirement. As regards Windows OS based software and kit the only hiccup was dropping wireless connections occasionally. The thing is the T7c manufacturer/seller stated works with Linux when it won't out of the box. This influenced my product purchasing for my project. A case of caveat emptor It's been many years since I experienced hardware that did that with Windows. More expensive maybe, but it did what it said on the tin!
  8. That's the problem using phones with corrective text enabled
  9. The Microsoft engineer says "build a bigger garage." The Linux engineer say "dig a trench a the garage door." (•‿•)
  10. I have an unmodified Nikon D5300 which should do. I didn't expect much from my T7c in imaging, just for it to work! For me this project was a proof of concept for ROBOSCOPE - a simple portable mount with a light weight scope and imaging camera that can be plonked at the bottom of the garden (or set up when on caravan trips away) and controlled remotely to view and image from indoors. Project milestones so far: Passed - tripod - portable Skywatcher tripod Passed - mount - Skywatcher AZ GTi Passed - wireless hardware - Canakit 8Gb RPI4 Passed - integrated software control - Stellarmate (although seemingly complicated and unfriendly in use) Passed - lightweight scope - Skywatcher Evoguide ED50 FAILED BADLY - imaging component - T7c (ASI120mc USB2.0 clone) This is so frustrating as all the Skywatcher kit and T7c work under Windows wired connection but require me outside. Might have to change my user name to Always_hardwired.
  11. This sounds intriguing but I don't know how to install the firmware in Linux. I used the commands suggested in Wim's link but the terminal rejected the commands the responses meaning nothing to me. This is ironical as I was a Windows System Builder running a spare time business 10 years ago yet I have no idea where to start installing firmware in Stellarmate OS. As I'm real Linux newbie I need simple step by step process from start to finish. I imagine this is a big ask.
  12. Many thanks to you both for your help - it seems another dip in the bank balance is needed. Hopefully I can revive my interest in completing this project which is so tantalizingly close to fulfilment. That YouTuber going by the name of "Lazy Geek" made it look so simple - but it that it isn't. Plus somehow I accidentally implemented 35 updates and all the windows/menus have changed and no longer look familiar - it's just like starting afresh again, but at least I know the camera is duff on Linux. Can anyone tell me if the SV Bony 305Pro will work on Stellarmate OS?
  13. Ok first time out on this board and first time with RPI and Stellarmate OS controlling Skywatcher AZ GTi mount (working). In need of specialist help. Got a T7c clone of ASI120mc (USB2.0) that refuses to work. Need help to be able to image brighter planets and DSO's. Cannot upgrade firmware using ASI updater as Windows gives a strange "side-by side error" and links to how to solve it don't work. Reasoned must be able to do it in Stellarmate, but updater is not self installing/executing driver installation like Windows 10. No idea how to upgrade in Linux as I'm not familiar with Linux os - SO REALLY STUCK. Days spent trying to unravel this problem but no go - getting depressed - will I ever be able to an image of a heavenly body? Maybe the answer is to get another CCD that wont break my bank account that works. By the way I'm a pensioner and need to put to use the kit I already purchased to keep the wife happy - but just one more purchase has been negotiated. Can anyone tell me what hardware will work on this os or how to fix the T7c firmware in baby steps?
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