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  1. They are not SVbony branded but the same generic line of them as far as I'm aware. The red line 68 wide field view. Managed to pick up the set of 4, 6mm, 9mm.15mm and 20mm for £59 off amazon earlier in the year. Thought that was a good deal. Also agree about the jetstream making the seeing appalling. Had that experience on my last two nights out.
  2. @ScotRod had a quick viewing session this evening. Work in the morning. Allowed scope to cool for an hour and half. Checked out jupiter and x4 moons initially with a 20mm, looked nice, could see bands but not the greatest view. Switched to 9mm redline, looked OK, in and out of focus, shimmering style effect on it. Made it hard to pick out details, sometimes to the point where it looked like a fuzzy white blob for a few seconds but also could see banding at times. I believe this is bad seeing due to turbulence in the air. Switched to stock 9mm and same effect, slightly worse image but not that bad in comparison to the redline 9mm I own, just a more difficult to use eye piece with a smaller view. I don't recall jupiter being like that the first couple of times I used the scope as it was a lot more stable image. However, Jupiter is now currently above a neighbours house which I'd imagine doesn't help the image due to rising heat. Switched over to the moon since it'd appeared behind me, views fantastic in the 2inch stock 30mm. Tried 20mm redline, the same. Switched to redline 9mm and view was still crisp but slightly shimmering on the edges of the moon, switched to stock 9mm and very similar performance to the redline with the shimmering in the edges, again just didn't feel as comfortable to use and smaller view. Is it possible that you're just having bad seeing? Just my guess. Can't comment on your defocus star test issues and I'm an inexperienced telescope user so I'm sure others would be able to help a lot more with that. Hopefully you get it sorted
  3. Owner of the 8" version. Had something a little similar when I was last out, mostly at high mag. Looked clear but turned out the jetstream was having a wild time above and I put it down to that - it could be the same for you, just bad seeing conditions. Stars would seem to come in and out of focus with 9mm but not so much of an issue with lower mag. Wasn't quite as bad as you described but I also haven't tried out the stock 9mm that came with it either. Looking to take it out tonight if the weather stays good as predicted and can give the stock 9mm a try vs 9mm redline I have and see what happens. Jetstream is going to be right above me again too. Clear outside has all green forecast for me but meteoblue has it down as bad seeing for me tonight. Edit - duplicate word removed
  4. A bit late on posting as it was a few weeks ago but FLO delivered this StellaLyra 8" dob to me in less than 24hours after ordering. What a service 👌 Spoiler - it contained clouds.
  5. Now that you've owned it for a while how are you finding your StellaLyra dob? How are the optics? Any issues or niggles? @omo I ordered the 8" version of it earlier today, should arrive tomorrow with darker clouds forecast for a few weeks 😂 I was initially holding out to purchase a bresser messier 8" but seen this earlier today on here (haven't checked on here for ages as it was making me sad waiting for the bresser stock) but the RACI, dual focuser and impatience made me just go for it - prefer the colour as well. I couldn't justify buying a 200P/XT8 vs a bresser but I feel this balances out against its pros and cons.
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