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Posts posted by MiladyB

  1. 5 minutes ago, Tiny Clanger said:

    Heritage 150s are great 🙂 First thing I ever saw in mine was Saturn, I doubt I'll ever forget seeing that tiny bauble hanging in the sky .

    Have you had a chance to look at the Moon with it yet ? I found the view just too bright, and had to get a moon filter to make it bearable, otherwise I was just knocked back from the eyepiece by the dazzle ! The Moon filter is just sunglasses for a 'scope, I don't need it for my 102 mm or 127mm 'scopes, but essential on the 150mm . Some people don't find they need one at all .

    Moon filters can be bought quite cheaply,  around £10 should get you a basic one, and if you need it for the Moon,  you  can try it on Jupiter to cut some glare. FLO have several choices : https://www.firstlightoptics.com/moon-neutral-density-filters.html

    I'm not keen on  Moon filters which impart a green tinge to the view, (which is what I bought, a celestron version), I'd much prefer a straight ND (neutral density) , and for use in the 150 for the Moon would go for the 0.9 version out of the 3 offered densities on that page if I was buying again .

    A pair of polarising filters (one of which rotates) will give an infinite range between cutting a little light, and cutting all of it, but they are a pain to use in a dob/reflector, as you have to put both on the bottom of the eyepiece and keep  taking it out to rotate  one filter and change the effect. (Polarisers do work well where a rerfractor or mak has the facility to put one half of the pair in the diagonal and one on the eyepiece, then turn the eyepiece though)

    There is a free alternative method of cutting down the dazzle though ...have you noticed the little removable cap within the main tube cap ? Try using that to reduce the aperture ! Seems a bit barmy to buy a big aperture 'scope and reduce it to a tiny aperture 'scope, but it  can't  hurt to give it a try , I've not got round to trying it (now I have other 'scopes, I don't tend to use the dob for Moon and Jupiter/Saturn/Mars) so please report back !


    My shopping list is getting longer and longer! 😁 I haven't even had the scope out to look at the moon yet - a filter seems like a great option, but I'll certainly try the dust cap reducer whatsit as well!

    Seriously, though, thank you very much for the advice - it's hugely helpful. 

    MiladyB x

    • Thanks 1
  2. Hi,

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one with this question! 

    Last night was the first time I've properly had my Heritage 150p dob out properly. Jupiter was SO bright I just couldn't resist!

    I located it in the 25mm eyepiece, and then switched to the 10mm (finding that focussing without my glasses on was better).

    In the 10mm eyepiece I could see something like the below (my spectacular mockup using the doodle tool in my photo editing app 😂). Jupiter was still small, moving fast across the FOV, and VERY bright, but I could see a band! Your description sounds about the same @Bongo.

    I could also see two moons (Ganymede and Callisto, I think going by my comparison against Stellarium.)

    Jupiter was quite low in the sky at 12:30am, so I know I was dealing with a lot of atmosphere, and I live in a Bortle 6 area. I found myself wondering what else I could do to get a better view with some more details.

    I'm going to make a light shroud for the scope, but I was wondering about filters and/or other eyepieces as well. The Baader Hyperion mk IV zoom is on my wish list, as I know that will scale to a bigger scope. I've noted down a few things from the comments in the thread.

    Have you been out again @Bongo

    Here's to clear skies!

    MiladyB x

    Pixlr (1).jpg

    • Like 2
  3. 35 minutes ago, Tiny Clanger said:

    Ah, shame about the KYRRE being too small  for the 150 base. Mind you, if it is a flatpack item, it could be a source of 3 legs to bolt on to a larger top ... with the original stool seat fixed below as a shelf to brace the legs and store eyepieces, as on an astro tripod ...

    Do show your dad the link to Jerry Oliton's  chair diagrams too, see if he will make you one of those as well ! The variable height is brilliant, and seated observing is much more comfortable.


    Great ideas! The chair looks amazing - definitely worth having a go at rather than buying one!

    MiladyB x

    • Thanks 1
  4. 14 hours ago, Tiny Clanger said:

    I'm not sure if the 150 dob base is the same diameter as the 130 dob base, but if it is, I've read of many folk using the 130 heritage on an Ikea KYRRE Stool, they only cost £10.

    I made my heritage a 3 legged triangular table out of scrap wood and some metal legs which cost me around £12 on Amazon (for a set of 4 ! )

    You can see it in photos here :


    I'm not sure if the 150 dob base is the same diameter as the 130 dob base, but if it is, I've read of many folk using the 130 heritage on an Ikea KYRRE Stool, they only cost £10.

    I made my heritage a 3 legged triangular table out of scrap wood and some metal legs which cost me around £12 on Amazon (for a set of 4 ! )

    You can see it in photos here :

    I'm not sure if the 150 dob base is the same diameter as the 130 dob base, but if it is, I've read of many folk using the 130 heritage on an Ikea KYRRE Stool, they only cost £10.  I don't think adjustable height legs are needed if you just use 3, as with a tripod, 3 points of contact with the ground makes a nice stable arrangement .

    I made my heritage a 3 legged triangular table out of scrap wood and some metal legs which cost me around £12 on Amazon (for a set of 4 ! )

    You can see it in a couple of my photos here :






    Love what you've done there! I really envy anyone who has the skill and creativity to build things from an idea.

    My Dad suggested repurposing an amp dolly he built and no longer uses. The metal legs are a good idea. I'll take a look, thanks! 

    MiladyB x

    EDIT - I checked the size of the KYRRE Stool, and it's a smidge smaller than the base diameter of the 150p, or that would have been a great option.

    • Like 1
  5. I did wonder about a water butt stand, but wasn't sure which one to get.

    My Dad (who is one of those people who can mock up stuff in 3D in his head and knows every type of hardware) has now very kindly offered to build me a table, that will have legs I can unscrew for transportation, and adjustable levelling feet, tailored to my height to be most comfortable for observing and so I can use it on relatively uneven ground.

    I'll post the result when it's finished!

    MiladyB x

  6. Hi,

    Well I finally managed to get a Heritage 150p! 😆  I've had it a couple of weeks and so haven't managed to get a night when I'm free and it's not binning down with rain to get first light on it, but hoping to change that this weekend!

    I'm looking at options for raising it up a bit, to keep the base off the wet grass. I saw a suggestion of using an IKEA Lack table, and I'm thinking of adding some adjustable levelling feet, rather than using a water butt stand. Just wondered if anyone else has done similar?

    MiladyB x


  7. 2 minutes ago, reezeh said:

    Unless you are an old codger like me, you can afford to wait a few years for things to settle. Eventually they will, as they always have 😃

    Hehe, who knows?! I hope so!

    In the meantime I'm filling my house with astronomy books in the hope my husband suggests we move and I can find a house with a garden suitable for an observatory 😁


    • Haha 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, Tiny Clanger said:

    Excellent choice (it has to be, I made it too 🙂 )

    If you are thinking of ordering from FLO, this might sway you:


    The system FLO use for out of stock orders is to queue them by the date when the order was placed, so you secure a place in the queue for the it when the delivery comes. Your credit card is debited immediately when you place the order though.


    That's very handy to know,  thank you x

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Deadlake said:

    Why do you think they come down???

    Are you recommending I wait it out and hope everyone else does too, in the hope that container prices fall again and prices come down, or saying I'm potty for even thinking they might? Either viewpoint is perfectly valid at the moment, I suspect.  😂


  10. The price/supply issue is leaving me with a massive dilemma. I REALLY want to buy a Heritage 150p when they're back in stock, but I'll have to gamble regarding the price not falling again. If I leave it, am I risking having to wait months for them to come back into stock again?

    It'll be my first telescope, but I do have binos to keep me going. So hard to know what to do for the best. May just have to bite the bullet and go for it. 


  11. +1 to what everyone else has said, really.

    I'm using Opticron 10x50s with the Amazon Basics tripod and head recommended on the Binocular Sky website, and I've also borrowed a monopod to use with a zero gravity chair.

    I use a planisphere to get an idea of what's available to see at the time I'll be observing, then use Stellarium outside to help locate - I'm starting to learn the sky and be able to star hop a bit more.

    I'm reading The Art of Urban Astronomy at the moment - it's a bit more of a simplified format for locating stuff than Turn Left at Orion.

    You should be able to see some pretty cool stuff with a similar setup. Even from my light-polluted garden I managed to find Andromeda. It was a grey smudge, admittedly, but just knowing that grey smudge was a whole other galaxy blew my mind 🤯

    MiladyB x

  12. I'm sure lots of people will still buy plenty of the big ticket items. It's the big bang for your buck 'beginner' dobsonians that are less affordable now across the board for someone starting out who might not have much of a budget.

    It's just a sad fact that high(er) prices for entry-level kit limit the accessibility of any hobby. (I speak as the wife of a Warhammer nut - a hobby that makes astro look very reasonably-priced 😆)

    MiladyB x

  13. On 25/03/2021 at 15:25, Space Hopper said:

    I can't see the economic sense by such a large price rise. Its certainly put me off considering one.

    I know what you mean. I'm weighing up the pros and cons of the Skyliner 200p dob vs the 250px flextube. I'd really like the 10", but the price difference for the extra aperture and compact design is huge. Tough to know what to do.

    Incidentally, does anyone know why the 200px flextube is only available as a goto and not a manual version? (Apologies if this has been asked before)

  14. On 25/03/2021 at 08:58, IB20 said:

    Hope there’s not too much Astro kit tied up in the Suez Canal currently. 😁

    My heart sank when I saw the news 😆

    I'm looking at it with the attitude that it's a hobby that requires a lot of patience and fortitude, so the wait for any of my wishlist items to be in stock is good practice for when I actually get them! 😂

    • Like 1
  15. 12 minutes ago, Stu1smartcookie said:

    If people are happy to pay the prices , then there is a market . :) 

    There's the rub - it means the entry end of the market will be squeezed if prices don't settle. I've had to completely rethink for now - I can't justify blowing my whole starting budget on a scope that suddenly went up by £200 and have no money left for any accessories. I've bought binoculars and a tripod and will just keep my ear to the ground to see if the scope I want becomes affordable again at some point.

    • Like 1
  16. A quick thank you and an update!

    Even with the bright moon Bortle 6 sky tonight I have seen: M42, Mars, The Pleiades, and actually managed to find M31 - I actually squealed with joy when I spotted the faint smudge Stellarium had pointed me to 😆

    I can't wait for some darker skies!

    Thanks again for all the brilliant advice 😊

    MiladyB x

    • Like 2
  17. 3 minutes ago, Dark Vader said:

    Opticron do an L shaped bracket for around £10, and I ordered one of these:


    The pistol grip ball head unscrews from the tripod and I put it on a monopod with the Opticron L bracket. It takes my 10x50s and 15x70s with no problems. You can of course just use it on the tripod but I find it easier with the monopod, especially in a garden recliner. Hth


    That's great, thanks 😊

    • Like 1
  18. With telescopes being out of stock everywhere I've been spending my time reading up and decided to buy some decent binoculars as a solid starting point. Even this was no mean feat with stocks being low and requiring a pair with good eye-relief for specs due to astigmatism.

    I've ordered the Opticron adventurer 10x50 t wp binoculars, as these appear to have received the best reviews across the board, so hopefully they are the right ones to go for! 

    I'm thinking of mounting them on a monopod - but not sure what bracket etc. I'll need. Can anyone recommend one, please? 

    MiladyB x

  19. 51 minutes ago, Ken82 said:

    If we all stopped buying astro gear then of course manufactures would have to decrease prices to stoke demand. I for one am not prepared to do so. 

    Anyway skywatcher kit is underpriced anyway. 


    Totally get what you're saying. There's likely to be a natural ceiling on what many people will/can budget for good quality 'introduction to the hobby' type gear though - the sub £500 first setup end of the market may level off more quickly purely because higher prices may cause consumers to go for smaller aperture models, or price them out entirely.

    There's probably quite a contrast between that end of the market and the dedicated hobbyist who spends £1500 upgrading to a next model up mount, for example.

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