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Posts posted by Marc1964

  1. DHL delivered a long package today containing goodies to use with a new telescope that arrived at the weekend... 

    First Horizon Tripod is so much sturdier than the aluminium AZ mount that came with the Skywatcher 90 /910 refractor and significantly more versatile. I was a bit worried despite the reassurance from Auntie FLO that a 'standard' photo tripod would suit the 90/500 I now have, but it sits like a dream and is easy to adjust. 

    Of course, it is cloudy outside and no clear skies forecast for the next week, but I am so looking forward to giving my new rig first light! 

    If you are all unlucky, I will also post comments on the new refractor as well...




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  2. As noted, bit of a haze in East Sussex which meant that what promised to be a good evening of viewing was a touch disappointing. Nevertheless I did get a couple of firsts for me. I was in a field just by Wealden Way footpath which provided shelter from A22 street lamps! 

    1. M44 the Beehive cluster. I know for majority of people here this is one that everyone seems to have seen, but for some reason has eluded me. This evening, I caught sight of it with binoculars first and then used the telescope to view. 

    2. M67 open cluster. Only got this thanks to 'Turn left at Orion'. Could not see colours particularly, but now I know where to look will try again! 

    3. Not new but did get a nice view of Orion nebula. Never get tired of looking at this. 

    At this point I became aware of the sound of hooves and something that sounded suspiciously like a bull. Decided that discretion was the better part of valour, packed up and left just as a fat red moon was rising... 

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    • Haha 1
  3. Good afternoon, after taking delivery of my new Svbony SV48, the clouds have descended and I stand no chance of first light until tomorrow, so my thoughts turn to eyepieces. I currently have two 1.25" Celestron Omni plossls with 50 degrees fov, a 32mm and a 15mm. I bought these originally for my 90/900  and represented a meaningful upgrade on the two skywatcher lenses I had. 

    I would like to have a higher power lens, say 8-10mm range, and wondering if sticking with the Omni plossls is a good idea, or if I should look at alternative options. 

    When I view anything I tend to start with the 32, then once centred go to the 15mm and if I want to then stick in the celestron 2x Barlow (which I am not overly keen on as seems to degrade the view more than I am happy with). Hence my desire for a standalone higher power lens. 

    An alternative recommendation for a Barlow would also be welcome! 

    I read that the plossl design is not so effective when paired with scopes quicker than F6. As my scope is F5.6, what alternative designs should I be looking to use? 

    I plan to use scope to learn how to star hop, look at messier objects and learn more about the night sky. I have my copy of 'Turn left at Orion' to help me on my way... 

  4. 53 minutes ago, johninderby said:

    I had the StarSky 90 f5.5 version of this scope and it was a very nice little scope with surprisingly good optics. Also sold under the RVO brand name among others.

    @johninderby Hi, what finder would you recommend for this scope given that you have had the privilege of owning one 😁

  5. 19 minutes ago, Tiny Clanger said:

     🙂Trouble is, sending the drone to the Moon, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter might cost a bit ... then there's no atmosphere on the Moon, so the drone won't fly and the gas giants & Venus are going to be so turbulent and inhospitable that they eat the drone in seconds .

    How long do the batteries on those things last ? Minutes rather than hours even on the top spec.  ones . Bit difficult to recharge them in space  And then there's presumably the need to retrieve the memory card ...

    Details,  @Tiny Clanger, mere details.... 😁 😁 😁 

    • Haha 1
  6. OK so after being burned with Aliexpress I have decided that no matter how tempting the prices etc are, not for me! 

    The grounding of the 'Ever Given' means that 13% of the daily global trade (R4 stat, blame them if wrong...) will inevitably lead to further delays in shipments of lovely optical gear from China and Taiwan to the UK. Yay. 

    So... Not buying a nice new ED scope this year. Decided that a short achromat, the 90/500 SV48 from Svbony would be a decent short term solution to the need for something more portable than my Evostar 90/900 (which I really like but is too big to comfortably walk with for the 15/20 minutes to the nearest relatively dark spot where I live). 

    The scope has garnered decent comments on CN so crossed 🤞 that this time the postman will knock twice and hand me a new toy some time next week... 

    I will post comments 1) if it arrives (with my luck...) & 2) if clear skies grace Hailsham ever again. 

  7. On 05/03/2021 at 21:55, stevenson166 said:

    I have a sellers website where i have loads of Svbony items in the UK...enough said as i know the forum rules.. I plan to use it when we get dark clear skies with the 60mm guidescope and the sv305 pro camera ..will post pics when done


    Hi, if you feel like DM'ing your website to me I would take a look... my order is not coming 😞

  8. 23 hours ago, nfotis said:

    Well, entered a dispute as well

    (I guess that we speak about the same "dealer" with the descriptions in Spanish? Already gaining one-star reviews, I see)

    It's my first time with Aliexpress, and I admit that I am not thrilled by the experience...

    Oh well (also, one of my credit cards was blocked when I tried to pay this order, and I'll have to reissue one - it's no fun at all having to deal with automated voice phone systems)



    Interesting, my descriptions were in English, but I suspect the same dealer.   LIke you, not thrtilled by experience and Aliexpress not helpful.

  9. On 28/02/2021 at 00:38, nfotis said:

    Didn't order a diagonal (not available in that store), I think that I'll re-use one from my Skymax 127 for now.

    Ordered an eyepiece, though, to complement my 6mm. In the meantime, I shot some photos of the Moon with my camera and a telephoto lens.



    Any updates on your delivery? 

  10. 16 hours ago, nfotis said:

    Oh well, I succumbed to temptation and ordered one anyway...



    Ah well done! Be interesting to see how long yours takes to arrive. My order has been at packed to ship for 5 days.... The diagonal I ordered has already arrived in UK which I ordered separately from another store 😳

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