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Posts posted by igorigs

  1. Another shot of Jupiter without tracking.

    Still learning how to process the data, but as each day passes I am getting more and more familiar with processing. 

    Lovely thing about this image is that you can see Io at the right side of Jupiter and that has amazed me! 


    Equipment: Skywatcher 250/1200 Flextube, ZWO ASI 120mc-s, high patience and steady hands.

    Sorted five short clips of 100 frames each in PIPP, aligned and stacked via Autostakkert, played with wavelenghts and colour balance in RegiStax6.


    Clear skies!


    • Like 8
  2. 2 hours ago, Laurieast said:

    You could do an RGB Balance in Registax (Functions /RGB Balance) 





    Increase the saturation 50%


    Just my take on it.






    I tried the balance but as it seems saturation was my problem.. Thanks mate!

  3. Greetings stargazers!

    Here is a shot of Jupiter made with Skywatcher 10inch flextube and ZWO ASI 120mc-s without a tracking mount or platform.


    Still can't get the colours right and would appreciate if someone would tweak it a bit!


    May the sky be in our favor.


    • Like 6
  4. 1 hour ago, Kon said:

    Nice image and detials. I did some colour balance in your posted image and noise reduction in Astrosurface; it took a couple of passes to get the balance right.image.png.bcbfa3579e3122dbcff865da4588a32a.png

    Nice! Looks really good! I have to work on my editing skills.

  5. Hi stargazers! Long time has passed since I posted anything so here is a shot of Saturn made with Skywatcher Dobsonian 10inch Flextube and ZWO ASI 120mc-s. 

    Made 5 short clips of 100 frames, stacked them via Autostakkert and sharpened just a bit via Registax. (Still learning how to use both)

    Would love to share .avi with someone more experienced as I really wonder what is the maximum that one can get from it.


    My humble try at Saturn which placed a smile on my face.

    Forgot to mention that shots were made from my balcony while Saturn was over the neighbours roof.



    • Like 22
  6. Composed in StarTools, used Ha.fit, Sii.fit, OIII.fit. Used AutoDev and after that tweaked the colors. Can't really explain the whole process as this was my first time actually composing any image at all so mostly I was playing with it. As I couldn't save the image in StarTools (free license) had to PrntScrn and save it in Paint 😬

    crescent nebula1.png

    • Like 8
  7. @John Thanks for answering mate. The thing is in Serbia price for new one is around 52k RSD which is around 440 E. Used ones are in price range of 250-350 E. That is why every time when watching the Sales thread on SGL a tear drops from my eye. Prices in GB are a lot lower than here. So the price he is asking is pretty much reasonable as it was mostly not used. It comes with stock eyepieces though. It is the Skywatcher 200/1200 Dobsonian.

    Plus used equipment is rarely sold in Serbia..

  8. Hi there folks! I have strong dilemma what to do, so if you could give your opinion would appreciate it very much.

    I own SW Evostar 90 on EQ2 mount. It is really useful and got some beautiful seeing with it. Thing is I have a friend which would like to buy it from me and another friend which would like to sell his 8 inch Dob. For my Evo I am looking to get arround 200 E and for Dob friend is asking around 300-350 E.

    The thing is, should I go for Dob or that money I would spend for Dob to use and get some better quality eyepieces and stick with my Evo?

    Thanks in advance, clear skies!


    P.S. Portability is not an issue as it will be mostly used from home.

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