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Everything posted by Iceman120

  1. Hi Lee, Thanks for the feedback, I was looking through astrobin with the 533 set in filters and i saw a lot of people using similar settings. My telescope is a Skywatcher EvoStar72ED which is F5.7. poiu-07
  2. Hi all, So I brought myself a ZWO ASI533MC Pro, If the weather forecast stays true I should be able to get first light with it on Thursday night. Before I get out into the field, what should typical gain and offset settings be? Is it filter dependant? exposure time dependant? I have a Optolong L-Pro and Optolong L-eXtreme Shooting from a Bortle 8 Any info will be much appreciated Thanks Rich
  3. Hi thanks for the replies. In my immediate area is mostly the sodium type streetlights but if I image to the south, targets tend to sit in the led pollution from birmingham. I've looked at the optolong L pro and that seems to do well in bortle 6 but bortle 8 Is a different kettle of fish. Rich
  4. Hi all, I've just ordered a ZWO ASI 533MC Pro and an Optolong L-eXtreme filter for shooting nebula, but what would be a good filter to get for broadband targets such as galaxies and reflection nebula? I live in a Bortle 8/9 Thanks Rich
  5. Thanks for that and sharing the video. I overexposed my data in the last attempt so at least now i have a base to work from. Thanks again
  6. Great pics mate, I have a similar set up and was wondering what your gain and exposure settings are? And what resolution you're in? Thanks rich
  7. Yeah, the zwo works first time everytime but the t7c doesnt until I've already had the zwo plugged in. It's like it needs the zwo to start a script or something
  8. Ok so if I disconnect the t7c and plug in my ZWO ASI120mm mini I get a visual. Then unplug that and put the t7c in again and I get an image. I really don't know why its happening? Sharpcap recognises the t7c as a zwo 120mc. Strange
  9. Hi all, So as the title says, I cant see any stars in sharpcap through my T7C (ZWO ASI120M sensor) hooked up to my Bresser Messier 127/1900 Maskutov Cassegrain F/15. I've used a lens to get the star roughly in the centre and when I put the camera in, I can turn focus both ways, I've changed exposure time and gain and just don't see anything other than Jupiter. Has anyone any experience with this or am I missing something really obvious? and can anyone offer any advice? Thanks Rich
  10. Hi all, I'm considering getting a ZWO ASI533MC Pro, Currently using a DSLR, due to the price of a dedicated astro camera I will be forced to sell all my current imaging equipment to help fund it. Before I start pricing things up I was just wondering what you guys think it would be worth as either a job lot or individually? Any suggestions would be great? Pictures can be added if need be. Thanks Rich Canon 550D IR filter removed not full spectrum Canon 550D Stock 3 x batteries 2 x chargers 2 x dummy batteries to use mains power 2x 3m data leads to connect to laptop 18mm - 55mm kit lens, is an EOS but modified the back so it can be used with a clip in filter Kenlock 135mm F2.8 manual prime lens Sigma 70mm - 200mm Macro lens SV Bony CLS clip filter (no case) Skytech Quadband Filter (has case)
  11. Just saved your image and did an arcsinh10 stretch and you can see the streaking in the darker areas, i think because m42 is brighter you dont have to stretch it as much
  12. Hi thanks for replying, trying to keep the weight down as it will be on my eq5 pro max payload is 9kg,, didnt realise the skymax was f12. would it be ok for planetary imaging
  13. Hi guys, like the title says, I'm looking at getting a second setup so i can do some planetary imaging and some of the deeper objects. my thoughts are a Skywatcher SkyMax 127 Maksutov and a ZWO ASI 120MC-S. What's anyone's thought on this? Thanks Rich
  14. the walking lines are from the static noise in the image staying in the same place, to remove this you need to dither your image and then it gets processed out in stacking but dont know about the colour issue
  15. Hi all, Been a while since i last posted and had a spell of good weather recently so been out imaging even with the moon out. Had first light of my Evostar 72ED on an EQ5 pro and modified my camera to make it allow more of the HA transmission through. Also brought the SkyTech quadband filter and had some pretty decent results considering we've been battling the moon. Thanks for looking M45 The Pleiades (Seven Sisters) (31/01/21 89% Moon) 106x60s Lights 25 Darks, flats and bias frames applied Stacked in DSS and processed in photoshop Leo's Triplet (11/02/21 New Moon) Had a guiding error half way through and caused some problems in post as you can see from one half being really noisy, not quite sure what happened but hasnt happened since. 98x120s Lights 25 darks, flats and bias frames applied Stacked in DSS and processed in photoshop Rosette Nebula (18/02/21 41% Moon) 61x60s Lights 25 darks, flats and bias frames applied Stacked in DSS and processed in photoshop and went overboard on the saturation Orion and Running Man Nebula (22/02/21 70% Moon) 75x60s Lights 25 darks, flats and bias frames applied Stacked and processed in Siril and then fine tuned in photoshop Horsehead and Flame Neubula (25/02/21 95% Moon) 39x120s Lights 10 darks, 25 flats and bias frames applied Stacked and processed in Siril California Nebula (26/02/21 99% Moon) 31x180s Lights 10 darks, 25 flats and bias frames applied Stacked in DSS and processed in photoshop, Jellyfish Nebula (28/02/21 100% Moon) 95x60s Lights 25 darks, flats and bias applied Stacked in DSS and processed in photoshop
  16. i've got a 2nd 550d coming friday which i am going to modify. Going to remove the UV/IR cut filter but leave the low pass filter in. From what i can see its the most standard method to boost ha signal.
  17. I have a zwo asi 120mm mini guide camera. havent used it yet, been waiting for these clouds to disappear. How long would my exposures need to be or is it target dependant?
  18. Hi everyone, I've been looking into filters for my astrophotography. Saw this earlier and was wondering whether it would be a good thing having all 4 main bands on one filter. I am trying to keep costs low as I've spent far too much already this year. Any advice on this would be appreciated. Thanks rich https://www.harrisontelescopes.co.uk/acatalog/skytech-quad-eos.html#SID=529
  19. Been looking into this for a while now. I have a canon eos 550d. I see some people remove both filters. Some people remove just the low pass filter and some people replace the filters with astronomik mc clear or a baader equivalent. If I was to remove the low pass filter could I replace it with a cls filter so. Would doing this have a positive or negative effect? Thanks Rich
  20. I'm thinking of modifying my 550d, rather than buying a ir pass replacement could i replace the low pass filter with a CLS filter? thanks guys
  21. Hi all. Last night captured the moon with my Canon 550d on an EvoStar 72ED on EQ5 Pro. First time using the mount, didn't read the manual before hand as it was a quick decision after the skies cleared last night at 11:30pm. Couldn't get it to align so just found it manually and put it in solar tracking mode as it was the first tracking mode I could find 😂 First moon picture I've taken that I've been proud enough to post. Think I may have over processed it a bit but got carried away and also did a mineral moon version. Best 750 of 1000 frames ISO 100 and shutter speed 1/100 Thanks for looking Rich
  22. Great images Alan. For gradient software there is a plug in for photoshop if you have it but it costs 60 dollars. GradientXTerminator (rc-astro.com) There is a free trial though
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