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Simon Pepper

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Everything posted by Simon Pepper

  1. I have another question if I may it’s probably been answered already but this is now a mega thread and a bit of a needle in a haystack! Lens has arrived and I have ordered the Samyang adapter from FLO as well as mounting rings etc etc, however my understanding is I need circa 44mm backspacing but I plan to shoot unfiltered the camera is 2600 and I am unfamiliar with it as in the past I have had the 6.5mm to the sensor this is 17.5 and is female on camera side so I believe I am missing an adapter? Does anyone have some insights on what else I need to order here and how to get to 44mm? Thanks 🙏
  2. Here is my take on the Rosette imaged across two nights 15th & 18th Jan from East Sussex in bortle 4.5/5. Image was captured using Redcat 51 and ZWO 1600mm pro with Antlia 3nm Ha, Sii and Oiii filters Ha 35x300 Sii 44x300 Oiii 39x300 Image stacked and dizzled 2x and processed in PI using the NarrowbandNormalization script and RC suite of products. I added some saturation and some star reduction and a final crop in. Thanks
  3. That's a shame as @JTEC put it there are so many bad things that come from it its unnecessary.
  4. Hi Dave can you invite us all round on a clear night please for tea
  5. Oh my that’s really shocking I am fortunate to live in bortle 4 according to LP map, but with 1000s of new builds going up around me I think its Probably a 5 by now, but at least my street Lights do go off about midnight or 1am.
  6. Same in my street, not sure if it’s the town in general though as never out that late especially on a clear night lol! But this is good news hopefully other councils are taking note especially for those that do t have their street lights turned off after midnight. It really helps for those imaging with automation as you can set NB prior to midnight then Lum thereafter with less impact from LP
  7. Hi all I saw this yesterday so there is hope for the rest of us. What a great idea and I hope other towns will follow suit! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-67941824?fbclid=IwAR2feoRZmg0nFsUF9PRIhpwvsI6vbamOL1Ft0j4bYk--yui-FhbmFC1e5HM
  8. Very interesting stuff definitely over my head with the CTU but I’ll give this a go to see if anything jumps out at me as a big issue!
  9. Thanks Elp good advice let’s prey for clear skies within the 30 day free returns lol!
  10. Hopefully a quick one I have ordered myself the 135 again and curious what's the quickest way to test the corners to see what kind of copy I have. Should I use a DSLR or should I attached my dedicated camera and spacing etc? Thanks
  11. Yeah totally makes sense and I thought it would be the case. I am sure I looked on FLO last week and never saw that mentioned hence why I asked here. Will have to make a decision on a used camera now thankfully its being sold on here and 99% of this community is top notch
  12. Thanks Richard a bit annoying but totally understandable.
  13. Hi all Does anyone know if you purchase an item from FLO, but sell that item within the warranty period does that item still hold warranty or is it lost because the item changed hands? Thanks Simon
  14. Thanks Elp I reckon you 're right and probably the safest bet before I buy any new gear. Can you recommend any eye pieces to start? I sold my diagonal as well, so going to need to get a new one!
  15. I have had my heart set on a 9.25 for a long time, so its interesting you guys saying its not great for visual. Perhaps I convert my ES127 triplet back into a visual scope instead then? I don't really have the space for a dob which is why I have not gone down that route. I prefer taking images so I guess ultimately I would invest in a OAG, Starizona reducer at some point for the 9.25. I watched a video earlier from Ed Ting "Edge or not to Edge" and the differences were minor and I cant justify the over £1000 more.
  16. Never done visual before I use my 127 triplet and Redcat for imaging.
  17. Thanks to some folk on here I have sold some items and raised some funds for new equipment. I can’t decide what path to take do I purchase the on sale 2600 from FLO or should I dabble in visual and get the 9.25 Celestron non edge for visual and perhaps some planetary? Clear nights have been bad recently so visual does seem tempting but will I be disappointed trying visual coming from imager? Thoughts and opinions would be appreciated here? Thanks Simon
  18. I bought the JWST calendar for 2024 to specifically track all night clear, partial or no chance I’ll revert next December 😂 I agree though south east UK probably only seen three or four days at most since November. I am considering trying out visual as that’s so much quicker to setup!
  19. Anyone know if there anything with a bit more focal length my eyes are struggling to see anything here. I think I see a dip, but there is also some cloud there which could have caused it?
  20. It was fairly bright in the bins I am not good with mag but it Wasn’t visible naked eye but I found it twice in the 10x50s. It was a good 25 if not 30 mins ahead it was also slightly south of me whereas the ISS pass was direct over head. It was travelling slightly faster too.
  21. Wasn’t hard to spot clearly travelling faster than the ISS I can tick it off the toolkit list 😂 thanks for the heads up
  22. Ok awesome I’ll pop out at 5:30 with the bins and look west!
  23. Ok interesting and to confirm the tool kit is 20 mins ish before this so 17:15 ish? Hopefully it’s dark enough by then.
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