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Posts posted by MarkAR

  1. 11 minutes ago, Adreneline said:

    I am concerned I have gone "over the top" with this image - I tend to prefer a much more pastel palette but I thought I might push this one to see how the noise reduction coped.

    Glad you like the colours.


    I don't think it's OTT at all colour wise, pixel peeping does show blotchy artefacts so maybe just dial down the Topaz Ai a bit.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Kinch said:

    .I have actually got into a habbit now of going 'over the top' on some processes but then mixing the original with the 2nd rendition.....sometimes I find a nice balance that way (though sometimes not 😟)

    That can actually work very well, not all the times though as you've found out. It's all trial and error to see what works and it can be very different for another similar target.

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  3. Remote via Wifi is one way out but when I tested the Raspberry (using as a server only) it took around 8 seconds to download an image whereas my Lan connection is about 0.2 seconds. 

    You can always use Wifi, run everything on a Rpi or mini computer and connect via VNC to remotely control everything. Images saved on a USB drive can then be transferred to main computer.

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