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Everything posted by lukeEdfarley

  1. oh whoops mistake number 1 thanks..... on the other hand, I do live in Cumbria and I'm worried it might exceed the memory allocated to a float :))
  2. not sure whether Betelgeuse is a specific case but yes in general, my understanding is and please correct me if I'm wrong is that variable stars contract and expand and hence their brightness changes. the rate at which this happens is called the fundamental frequency, the higher frequency variables tend not to be as bright as the lower frequency variables however off the top of my head i cannot remember what that relationship is called. hope this somewhat helps, Luke.
  3. I've almost finished mine which i have programmed using an arduino stuck a few bits of sample code together and low and behold it works just waiting for a waterproof box. it pushes data over Ethernet to a thingspeak channel found here: https://thingspeak.com/channels/946107 (not currently posting... postage from china is slow) however you can see from the data that it has been tested.. Note that it is powered off POE the instruments that are attached to the arduino https://coolcomponents.co.uk/products/weather-meters?variant=45223104590&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google Shopping&gclid=Cj0KCQiAgebwBRDnARIsAE3eZjRq_YFXpQOY6nWw2Mamc3M9UD_rvIhB0A7_27_-ovVrTHsouv5umtUaAtvaEALw_wcB https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13956 and the arduino Ethernet shield if you're interested i can compile a full components list but you get the idea you said you wanted wifi which i also thought about then i realised that ethernet was also a good power solution in terms of code attached is a word-pad file (so you don't need to download the compiler to view it) with the code i mashed together... sorry this is less than graceful work aha I'm then mounting the whole thing on the side of the house so it breaks the crest (hopefully the house wont get in the way of the wind that way) personally ive done bits with the pi in the past and have found the arduino easier to work with but that's just my preference hope this helps, Luke. wordpad sketch copy.rtf
  4. Robin i looked at your work and it looked absolutely fascinating. i really liked the experiment which you ran looking at the crab nebula, at the frequency of pulses from the pulsar in the centre! More on topic, how would the spectra vary with time would the light to begin with be very low wavelength as the debris gets further away the photons get less energetic? how does it work?
  5. no haha they only bother with 100+ft of concrete or strangely i believe the detectors use water baths in caves but im not sure where i read that
  6. ah right cool, i wonder how bright something has to be in order to cause problems for newt mirrors, course larger telescopes must be more susceptible to this. https://www.rp-photonics.com/laser_induced_damage.html is an interesting page that outlines damage due to lasers. I am aware that if you point a mirrored telescope at the sun without a filter in front you get some interesting burnt mirror arromas! the object you describe is very small but very bright so very intense, when this is reflected onto the secondary mirror will surely this intensity will go up could this pose a problem?
  7. whoop my first ever post! anyways yes i heard the same thing... the dimming is not unusual its the speed of the dimming they're getting excited about a bit of reading has told me that when it finally explodes it will be about half as bright as a full moon... (idk whether that prediction has any truth) however none the less rather spectacular me thinks. at the end of the day it's quite a long way away and considering intensity diminishes with the square doubt it will be blinding. that might be me underestimating supernovas though :)) it may be nice though a moon filter! haha.
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