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joe aguiar

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Posts posted by joe aguiar

  1. So 1st I'll say I'm not into ap much at but from all my knowledge I say all 3 are ok but not perfect.

    All r doublets 53 which good but alot serious imagers say get a triplet, as even doublets give bit colour since camera is more sensitive. 

    Most those r f7 so just abit long f5 to f6 is what's most get or u may not fit all in the frame but depends on your camera too.

    U could just buy  a focal reducer on any the 3 and that solves that.

    Besides that all 3 look pretty good

    But last have u pushed the 73? With imaging?

    95% of the work comes from the camera will larger aperture help well sure abit but is it working spending that much when u could just take another 1 or 2 min longer expisure to capture more light detail? Verses the 102 guess that depends on u.


  2. Ya agreed that lens is made for a certain focal length so will need to cut it down then add a small diagonal then a ep.

    Everything will need to be perfect or it will be blurry or not focus.

    Maybe try to trade yours for what u want and throw some cash in to other person. Since 90 degree finder is normally higher price


  3. Just now, John said:

    In his original post Raph was looking at 82 degree eyepieces in the 2 inch fitting and also mentions Naglers and the ES 30mm 82 degree eyepiece so it's reasonable to assume that he is looking for a wider field of view than the 1.25 inch fitting can provide perhaps ?


    Yep agree but since his scope is very fast sounds like both us agree that's not necessary. As others said may have lots issues being  corrected in the ep unless it's a very well made ep.

  4. 13 minutes ago, John said:

    You can get a perfectly good 52 degree 32mm focal length eyepiece in the 1.25" fitting which will show the same true field of view. I can't see the point of having a 2 inch barrel on a 30mm focal length eyepiece if the field stop fitted restricts the AFoV to 50 something degrees :icon_scratch:

    Having wide FoV eyepieces in a short focal length scope delivers some wonderful observing opportunities eg: the whole of the Veil nebula in the same field - one of my favourite views in the hobby :icon_biggrin:


    That's kinda what I was getting at he doesnt need a 80 degree fov ep with that scope. A regular plossl would do.altho I figure he could still use a 2 inch ep if he wanted .the 1.25 ep works fine too

  5. Has to be in used sites astro buy sell or this site. As long u can wait abit. I just saw on astro buy sell Canada one Meade 6000 115mm came up for sale 1800cdn I think, last week. That's about 1100uk?

    Of course that's too far for u but one should cone available in UK market sooner or later.


  6. U got the eq8 which is huge either use your 102 doublet apo or trade for a triplet apo in the range up to 120mm is enough.

    130 is max u dont need anything bigger.

    Meade 115mm 6000 triplet

    Skywatcher 100mm esprit

    Es has few in the 100 to 120 mm triplets

    Then for visual buy a skywatcher 10 inch f4.8 reflector and u can use that same mount since u have it.


  7. What's funny I'm on my way home and just found an add 102gt selling 120cdn. I offered 100 he said ok.

    That's about 60uk

    He said he bought for his son but he didnt get into it.so hes selling it.

     tripod 5 ep set 102 I think its 6.5 so semi fast.still with box.

    U said to image with issue would be too much colour. Its bit better than f5 but 6.5 will still have alot false colour.

    Its probably ok for casual viewing but not AP or imaging. 


  8. 3 hours ago, Northernlight said:

    Lulu, so i'm not sure if you are referring to Ian's Biking Attire or a Kinky fetish, but getting back to the topic at hand........  Joe why do not think the 150Ed would make a good imaging scope ? what were your thoughts on this ? Why do you think it would be a poor choice ?

    My mount is an EQ8, so will be more than enough to handle the weigh.

    my first one I thought explains it. I have the 6'inch evostar ed its big heavy and its a long arm. I did say you will probally need a eq8 if you wanna do imaging with it. since now u say u have a eq8 you are set in that part.

    the other issue is being f8 is abit too long normally people do f5 to f6 for imaging so you may need a focal reducer. Also for imaging you don't really need a huge apo refractor the camera does most of the work. A lot people also say a doublet is not best for imaging since the camera is much more sensitive and picks up false colour even in double 53 scope so triplets are better. Everyone is positive that the SW evostar cant be 53 glass but 51 glass since its low cost (even tho skywatcher wont tell anyone) for $3500 tax in it cant be 53 has to be 51.  So colour in evostar 6" would be even worse in pics.

    many people use 73mm to 102 triplet  apo for imaging and doing so u can have a much smaller mount too instead of a HUGE imaging setup.

    last if u want view visually dso even the 6" evostar is abit small for dso. for a refractor 6" is big BUT for depp sky stuff I would do 10 to 12" scope

    just my thoughts


  9. if the admin lets (I aready email an admin they said its ok to put a link once and awhile but not too often, this would be my first time) once I post my video maybe I should do it tonight rather then Sat, then u can see theres a huge differences between the 3 scopes even tho they are same size. yes one give u wider views, the  other give u shaper more contrast view but to me size and weight are  go hand in hand. if u always go by biggest aperture it doesn't get used often, or at all many times.


  10. well the sct biggest plus is its size per weight compared to any other size.

    whats funny I just did this comparision last weekend iam posting it tonight or sat on my u tube channel

    I used a 6" sct compared to a 6'f/5 reflector then compared my my 6"f/8 SW evostar refractor apo.

    all are 6" wide but sct is about 13" and only 6 lbs

     reflector is about 30" long cant remnember weight

    refractor is about 54" long and 22 lbs

    the 6"sct u can add FD if u want wider fov u can even use a 2: sct diagonal to it and a 28"mm 2 inch ep ( yes I know the 6 has a slighty smaller holle than the 8" sct but it does work) its more like a 1.75" rear opening. and you can even use the 6SE on a eq2 as its only 6lbs and the mount can handle 10 lbs. it wont be rock solid but its light and it can do it for visual.

    the 6"f/5 reflector will need a eq3-2 or the cg4 mount, this will be twice as big and 2x the weight as the first option.

    last is the refractor will need a eq5 minumium which used to sell like this since 1999. Back then it had the alum legs where now its the steel legs. Even so this is at the limit of the mount it can work for visual but with vibrations. A slighty better set-up could be on the AVX or LXD85 mount bit better then EQ5, however best bet is on HEQ5 or EQ6 if u want it rock solid.

    If you live in an apt or condo type (which stats says is one of the most built type building for over 25 years ) the first 2 option can be done 3rd cant be done.



  11. I have the SW evostar 6 inch f/8 iam not sure that's a good imaging scope.

    Ok first I do only do visual,  so being a large apo equals more light so that's good,. but the ota is 22lbs that's without finder bracket and finderscope and any eps. once u add 2 inch ep 9x50 finder and bracket and maybe telrad your probally close to 25. Then add a camera imaging gear auto guilder  etc etc it easily be 30 lbs maybe even up to 35 lbs.

    they say for imaging u should have 2 mounts bigger then visual. 

    so that scope shows it on eq6 so u would need eq8 for it to be  solid for imaging

    I have used it on the meade LXD85 and was ok for visual. the heq5 or eq6 would be more robust for visual but even the eq6 for imaging is already maxed at that weight.

    Anyway for imaging I would say get something smaller up to 120mm max, then a larger scope if u want for visual


  12. well this isn't what u asked for but my 2 cents is the opposite I rather have 1 CW and it be lighter verses 2 and be heavier.

    for visual and using a manual mount with slow motion controls its not a big deal if your few smidgen from being 100% true balanced. its when u doing imaging or have goto that if its not balanced properly you can trip the gears and motors.


  13. It's the same as meade 115 triplet I got the meade 130 6000 series the bigger brother.

    Its 51 glass not 53 so its not the same however it us very very good I think u will like it. It gives like near perfect views just as good.

    The focuser us good too.

    I would get the 115 over the 103 anyday


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