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Posts posted by Rustang

  1. Just to add, I know I couldn't see or hear anything for RA when trying manual controls, well i have just noticed that when moving in DEC you can see the numbers change in the 'Mount Position' panel in ASCOM, so should I also see the numbers change for RA when trying the manual controls because that would surely mean there's still an issue not just me not seeing or hearing anything!?

  2. 6 minutes ago, Seelive said:

    I've only got an EQM-35 Pro but I'm sure the SynScan handset is the same. When I got the mount (just under a year ago) my intention was to use the ST4 method for guiding but after the first attempt I gave up. In advance of purchasing the mount I had purchased a USB to RS232 converter to allow connection from my PC to the handset but when the mount was delivered, it turned out that the handset was the latest version with a USB interface so the converter wasn't required.

    After downloading the handset ASCOM driver from the Skywatcher web site, I now use PHD2 with the PC connected to the guide camera and to the handset (NOT using the PC Direct mode) via a USB hub. It all works fine (and no third level of software to add any additional problems). I can also control the mount from C2A but normally just use the handset for pointing/slewing.

    If you have the older handset with the RS232 interface, it should have come with a RS232 lead for the handset so you would just need a USB to RS232 converter (FDTI types are suitable).

    Hope you get things up and running soon!

    Thanks mate, unfortunately I have tried that and I get a connection error! When Put the hand set back into PC mode it works again! Thanks for the suggestion though!

  3. Cool,i can now here an see movement in the mount via EQASCOM and using the manual controls in PHD2 while being in Sidereal for DEC, it sounds like a tiny R2D2 making tiny little random beeping noises while making the correction and i can see my marker moving round slowly on the cog. I'm still not sure about RA, it might be moving but very very small, it definitely doesn't stop when pressing West! but sod it lets just carry on! When I'm guiding shall i change back the guide speed to 0.5?


    Guys, especially Steve, I really appreciate all of your help again, a testament to this forum, nice one guys 👍

  4. 6 minutes ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

    Make sure you are not parked then click the button ringed in red


    OK cool. So to confirm, I have sorted EQASCOM and PHD2 and Apt, should that be all I need know to guide? I can pola align as normal through the mounts pola scope, with APT I'm guessing I can star align and send the mount off to track my chosen target? Once locked on and tracking I can start PHD2 to help guide the scope? 

  5. 3 hours ago, dark knight said:

    Just a thought, in eqascom is the mount showing as "PARKED",  may need to unpark it before sidereal rate is engaged

    I've not tried sidereal in EQASCOM as I've been setting on the handset while trying to get the st4 way sorted. How do you do it with EQASCOM? The fact I can move the mount now with eqascom probably means I don't need to test it now though! 

  6. No luck with the new ST4 cable so what ever the issue is we may never know. So it seems I'm going to have to go even further  into the deep end then and lose my comfort blanket, the handset! I have downloaded APT to take on what the hand controller did and will just have to try it and see. In the photo below, can anyone see anything I need to add or change. And any other settings extra I need to know? I will be honest, I've spent so much brain power on this that I'm getting lazy at looking anything else up right now! I will do though. PHD2 also now gives me the option to choose my mount now EQASCOM is sorted. 


  7. 23 minutes ago, dark knight said:

    Srry if this complicates things for you, I have replaced my mount to pc cable with a wireless Bluetooth module ,https://www.dewcontrol.com/Wireless_/cat3099126_2678521.aspx.  it comes in 2 parts, one piece replaces the hand controller and cable, it plugs directly into the mount, the other dongle just plugs into a USB on the laptop, works like a dream. I then use eqmod and stellarium for targets. My guide cam connects directly to laptop and runs through phd2. This works really well and means one less cable to worry about. Don't give up, you will get it sorted, check all settings in the software you are using.

    Thanks mate, I will look into that 👍

  8. 7 hours ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

    I have done a bit of a search and whilst not a common problem other have had this issue and major causes seems to be the st-4 cable  or unfortunately the circuit board in the mount.


    Please don't be the mount, that's me done if it is! 😭 

    What did you put in the search bar so I can try and look through the same info!? 

  9. It's incredibly frustrating to not know what is at fault and I'm concerned I'm not going to figure it out, but I will try the new ST4 cable tomorrow. The fact it doesn't move in RA in EQASCOM is also strange as it moves in DEC. Worse case I will stick to 2min subs and bin off the auto guiding as I'm comfortable with that but I would also really like to improve my images. I'm also not looking forward to the possibility of still having issues if this ever got sorted. This has been such a headache and I've not even begun the nights of possible issues, from what I've been reading this is very likely and I honestly don't think I've got the patience after this but I will try and remain positive. 

  10. Sorry my bad, I wasn't clear. While using the ST4 I was only using the handset, so just the handset and ST4. It was only once I somehow set up EQASOM did I then for just an hour or so today did plug in the different cable into the handset and put in PC mode to try that way. Everything you tried I followed exactly from what I can see, again just the handset, the ST4 and PHD2 so yes it's confusing to actually know what's wrong. I'm based in Hertfordshire and it would be awesome if someone was local to help but Steve you have been awesome mate and couldn't appreciate your time enough, if I was local to you I would buy you a pint or two 👍

    • Thanks 1
  11. I was getting fed up with the ST4 way even though I still really won't to do it that way to start with. My EqDir cable seems to be out of date, something to with the USB software or something says the computer, went out of date in 2012!!!!?, the lead time on a new one is crazy from FLO and it's another £35 I don't really want to spend. I followed a guide online of going into the bottom of the handset but putting handset into PC mode. I've put in the mount details etc and appear to have set up EQASCOM, I can actually do something!! I can move the mount that way in DEC, I can see it move but when I try in RA it doesn't move something else wrong there as well. 

  12. 40 minutes ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

    Ok done it.

    So sorry to go over everything again but from the top:

    Guide camera connected to laptop via usb.

    Guide camera connected to mount via ST-4 cable.

    Hand set connected to mount.

    12V power supply connected to mount.

    Thats all you need for the test.

    Turn on mount.

    Start phd 2

    Connect camera then mount as in my previous post.

    No need to start PHD looping.

    Open Manual guide.

    Just for test set guide pulse duration to maximum 5000 ms so the movement is as big as it will go.


    Make sure you are in a very quiet room because you will not see any visible movement just hear the stepper motor moving but it is quiet.

    click either the east or west button just once. Listen very carefully putting your ear on the mount if necessary and you should hear a tick tick ticking about once a second and will last for 5 seconds.

    Keeping the button pressed does nothing you have to click once and then it will move at half the sidereal rate (so very slowly) for 5 seconds whether you keep it pressed or not and you have to wait for it to finish then click again to move another 5 seconds. The north and south do the same for the DEC axis but was even quieter on my mount.

    5 seconds is far too long for proper guiding so go through that calibration I said how to do it yesterday near the top of this age.


    Ok thanks Steve, I will give it all another go over the weekend, fingers crossed!! 

    • Like 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

    With the ASI camera selected, On Camera selected and none for aux mount click on connect next to camera - does it go from red to green ?

    image.png.4498b8607b21a38022a7cb3276eab779.png     TO    image.png.6fd5ecda83b512e8cf154ca049bbc75c.png

    Then click on connect next to Mount, 

    Does that go from red to green ?

    image.png.8fb746e8d34e6722a7f1527a041831c8.png    TO    image.png.dc7e820768eae3c06d8f29369a9a103b.png

    If so then so far all is good and everything is connected.


    Yes all of that was fine but it was when i was trying manually the see if PHD2 is sending corrections to the mount and the mount responding, I'm not sure it is. The mount connects via "on mount" but  how do you check this is definitely sending corrections during the day before i waste lots of evening!? I went through what you said to do earlier and i still cant here any change in the motors when pressing the manual control buttons!

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