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Everything posted by bluesilver

  1. Hi, sorry for jumping in on the back of this thread, I hope it is ok. What upgrades would you recommend for the 180? I have seen a video where they mention swapping that 90 degree view finder out for a better one ( sorry can't think of the correct name for it right now ) And also another option was to swap out the eyepiece holder for a fine tune adjustment version ( again can't think if what they are called ) Would appreciate any replies on what people think is worth upgrading or just leave as it is. What mount would you recommend for it also if used for both visual and imaging EQ6 ? Any information would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Thanks for the reply, i thought i might of solved my problems, sadly looks like it isn't the case. I thought that before the unit could be used, it might of had to have some other software or firmware downloaded into the hand controller. It appears not to be the case after all, So the hand set basically comes to you all ready to just plug in, set your details and away you go pretty much then? I am a bit reluctant yet to download anything into it unless it has to go back under a warranty claim.
  3. Hi again, sorry about bring this post back up again. Just had another idea, and this might be a basic silly question, but i will ask anyway With the SynScan hand held unit, do they actually need downloading / uploading with firmware or software before you use them? Mine currently tells me it is version 04.37.03 I haven't done anything to it like adding software or firmware, i just figured it would of been shipped out to me all ready setup ready to go. Any ideas on this would also be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  4. I don't think there are specific ones for Northern ans Southern hemisphere due to the way that you put in your coordinates, but could be wrong. I am interested to find out more about the coordinates that it tells you to go to for the first star, Why would it give you coordinates to go to if you already know where the star is, as you have to know where the star is in the first place to star the two star alignment if that makes sense. Otherwise you would just be setting it up at the coordinates it gives you and that might not be the correct star, just trying to think though what is going wrong. It will be something simple, but next time i will try as suggested and go by the coordinates it gives me and see where that ends up. It is frustrating, but i am sure when figured out, it will be a good unit to use.
  5. Thanks again for the replies, appreciated. Yes, i can get celestial North, or compass North and also the same for South. It is interesting as i seam to be doing everything as described here, including a level mount. I did however notice that when i chose the first star i gives me slew coordinates, I haven't paid much attention to them to be honest and just slewed it to the star that i picked. I did out of interest noticed that once it said to slew something like 390 degrees or something similar, can't be 100% sure now. I haven't been paying attention to the slew angles that it tells me to go to for the first star, i just figured that i would slew it straight to the star in question. This could well be the problem then, but then the issue is that the slew directions would not be where the star is, this could be interesting, will have to wait until a clear night to try that out.
  6. Thanks for the replies, appreciated. There is a few comments in there that i am not quiet sure about though sorry. 1. The post by Joc, you mentioned, Do not forget the leading zeros, not really sure what you mean by this though, the leading zeros in which part exactly? sorry just got a tad confused on that bit. 2. With celestial north, is this what you mean by true north, not magnetic north? If so, i have this part worked out at least, but i did mine on celestial south, i am 13 degrees to the east of magnetic south if that makes any sense. I also have the scale on the side to get it to 0, so hopefully that part is also sorted. 3. You also mentioned doing a calibration, never even new this was possible or was an option, any chance of telling how to go about doing that? , it would be greatly appreciated. I have heard of it been done on equatorial mounts, but not the altazimuth mount that the SkyWatcher Dobsonian has. 4. When you are talking about using the arrow keys on the box, are you talking about the hand controller? If so, i do remember the instructions saying to finish of with a up and sideways movement to help lock it into place so to speak. 5. As i am in the Southern hemisphere, am i suppose to be starting of South instead of North, i am guessing it doesn't really matter yet as you mentioned, it will just be 180 degrees out if it is wrong. I can understand what you are saying Goeff about the two systems working together, at least a basic understanding anyway. There is something fundamentally wrong with what i am doing at the start or somewhere. If i can please find out some answers to the first 4 questions, it might help me to at least get those steps true and correct and help me sorting out my dramas. Very much appreciate all the inputs and advice, great information here. It is appreciated. Cheers. Peter.
  7. Hi, I currently have the 10" SkyWatcher Dobsonian with GOTO I have just been playing around with it viewing planets for the last few months, using either the motors to slew the scope around or when i have it on my trolley cart, just manually moving it around. The only reason i have been doing this is because i just for some reason can not get the GOTO system to align with the stars. I am trying to do the two star alignment and so far having no luck at all, i figure i am doing something wrong or must have missed a important step somewhere. I tried it again last night and this is what i did, so hopefully someone might be able to find what i have done wrong hopefully. 1. Sat scope on a perfectly flat leveled base. 2. Using the app called Syncanlnit 2.0 I set up the SynScan as it instructed, and all looked correct as it was suppose to be entered. 3. I then chose to begin two star alignment, and as i am not familiar with the stars, i used the app called Skysafari to help identify the correct stars. 4. I selected the first star, found it in the sky and using the controls on the SynScan, slew the scope around and centered the first star. 5. I then went through the list to find the second star that was visible in my viewing location, and selected it. 6. The scope then goes off to locate this star by itself, This time the scope did a full 360 degree circle and about another 1/4 of a turn before finally lining up on what was suppose to be the second star, but it was way off, almost a good 120- 180 degrees off, ( can't remember exactally now, but wasn't any where even close to it ) 7. So i then using the controls, moved the scope around to where the second star was, centred it and then the SynScan said alignment successful. 8. I thought i would test it out to see what happens when i chose it to go and look at the moon, being a easy target to spot. 9. Scope slew around and finally stopped around 90 degrees or more from it. This is pretty much what happens every time i go out and try to do a two star alignment, sometimes it doesn't do a complete 360 degree turn before locking on what is suppose to be the second star. I am obviously missing some important steps or more i am guessing but yet to figure out what. Firstly right at the start, 1. Do i have to download anything into the unit before i even start? 2. Dose the scope have to be facing anywhere in particular to start with? I am just putting it down anywhere and then starting it up. I have just found a page telling me it has to be facing North and the tube laying flat at 0 degrees, but is this only for equatorial mounts, ( the ones that have weights on them, sorry if i have the wrong name for them) And if so, is facing North only if you are in the Norther Hemisphere? as i am in the South, should i be setting it up facing South, or still North. Sorry if that part sounds confusing. I am kind of at a loss at the moment, I am hoping someone can see what i have done or doing wrong. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.
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