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Everything posted by AlanP_

  1. Hey Malcolm! just installed the replacement part of the Mount. I also bought that cheaper power brick that I linked above. However, it didn’t actually come with the cable to connect it to a wall. I had this spare cable, but it says it’s 10amps and 250v. I don’t know much about that sort of stuff but it seems like a lot. Would that cause me any problems when if I connected it to that power brick and then to the mount?
  2. Perfect, cheers Malcolm appreciate it! I'll order that one now too and hopefully I can get to imaging next week!
  3. Yeah exactly, better safe than sorry anyways. I ordered that part from microglobe. Would this be ok for powering the mount - https://ie.rs-online.com/web/p/desktop-power-supplies/8163834 It has the same specs as the one on FLO as far as I can see and can be used in cold temperatures. Unfortunately, I cant buy batteries from England. Edit: Just found this one here which has the same specs and cheaper: https://ie.rs-online.com/web/p/desktop-power-supplies/8808408/?cm_mmc=IE-PLA-DS3A-_-google-_-CSS_IE_EN_Power_Supplies_%26_Transformers_Whoop_ME-_-(IE:Whoop!)+Desktop+Power+Supplies-_-8808408&matchtype=&pla-337290457819&gclid=CjwKCAiAsOmABhAwEiwAEBR0ZrPrvMnlVpz10htWV1eFkKIbdWpOnaHPs5ruZgNVlHAsF0VelW8tTRoC0MIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Not sure if they are what I need though.
  4. After thinking about it, i've decided to just go ahead and order that new part that you linked. I dont know enough about wiring, and its too expensive to be messing around with myself. So i'll buy that and get a new DC power supply from FLO. Really appreciate your help, i'll update this post when its (hopefully) working.
  5. Your very good Malcolm, appreciate the gesture. Is there a way to check which wire is positive and negative? Then i'd be more comfortable ordering a new GX12 cable and power brick from FLO and making sure they match up. If not, maybe im just better off using a enw one from microglobe.
  6. Hmm, I might ask him just to be safe. Appreciate the help Malcolm. I'll keep you updated.
  7. Also, is that just a laptop power supply or is it different? I wonder can I pick up one locally. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/batteries-powerpacks/lynx-astro-12v-dc-5amp-low-noise-mains-power-supply.html
  8. I checked the inside of the power box and that’s what definitely blew, as you can see by the picture. the switch was 100% off. Would it be possible for me to just buy a new cable altogether? Not sure if this would work, but if I got this cable: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/astronomy-cables-leads-accessories/lynx-astro-silicone-power-cable-21mm-dc-socket-to-gx12-2-dc-jack.html And then connected it with thishttps://www.firstlightoptics.com/batteries-powerpacks/lynx-astro-12v-dc-5amp-low-noise-mains-power-supply.html Would that work? I'd rather avoid doing any wiring myself as I wouldn't be confident with it at all.
  9. So in other words its all ok? Is the mobo fried? No worries at all Malcolm, I appreciate you helping me and I was worried something was wrong on the inside and like you said, it things out. So, what do I do from here if the mobo is ok? I was trying to find a power solution online but I dont know what to do. This was connected to mains and its what I had planned to do.
  10. I should note, the guy I bought it off had used it with this connection and setup for months without any issues.
  11. Are these any better malc? I don’t know i can pull it any further bad it’s connected to the port.
  12. Thanks for the feedback. I may just use the modification that the previous owner did as I dont want to mess with too many things! Hopefully its not fried... Cheers Stevie. If its not fried i'll get them locally. When I get it open i'll post a pic.
  13. Sorry, what two screws do I open? Not sure what the assembly is!
  14. Hi, I finally received my HEQ5 Pro as it was held in customs for over 2 weeks (second hand). I set it all up and plugged it in, but the power supply connecting to the HEQ5 started to 'sizzle'. I then thought it wasn't connected right, so I made sure it was flush but then it blew. This was connected to mains. I didnt have the 'on switch' flicked on my HEQ5 mount, so I dont think anythign was effectedf inside the mount thankfully. I think its just the box the power supply that blew. I should note, it was rattling a bit when I took it out of the box like something small was lose inside of it. In hindsight, I probably shound't have taken the risk. My question is, what is this power supply called? I looked it up but the cable for the HEQ5 mount seems to be different than the one I have. Does anyone know what this is? i'd rather buy something locally as there is a lot of problems with shipping into Ireland atm.
  15. Unfortunately my mount is still stuck in the depot! I'm in Ireland and deliveries are held up a lot due to Brexit atm. I paid customs and everything, just waiting for the courier. I wouldn't mind, but theres been 4 crystal clear nights this week and lots of clouds forecasted for next! Hopefully it does arrive this week though. I'll certainly share my progress!
  16. It was! They told me it wasnt and I ended up buying one for 45 pounds from FLO. The one I bought was a lot bigger though, so it will make balancing a bit easier. However, I would have rathered not spend the extra money
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzx3tl6uslM&ab_channel=LetsExploreSpace
  18. Yeah im going to try without it first, i've spent enough for the moment!
  19. Contacted FLO and they said that the baader CC allows you to screw a filter into the nose so I think it will be ok.
  20. Perfect, cheers Dave. What order does it come in with the 2" filter? Its not a clip in one.
  21. So here is what my setup might look like. Canon 600d, T2 adapter for canon camera, Baader MPCC Mark III, Optolong L-Pro, and then my TS Photon 6". How do I know if my spacing is correct for the coma corrector with this setup?
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