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Posts posted by teoria_del_big_bang

  1. 2 minutes ago, david_taurus83 said:

    Both my scopes snug in their cases. The small scope is still attached to the mini PC, dew controller etc. Just disconnected the cables for storage. I also bought a couple of blocks of pre cut pluck foam for this.

    The Starwave 102 is stored in the solid foam block that comes with these as standard. I just cut it out with a bread knife, nice and snug.


    2020-02-08 15.57.47.jpg


    Nice case and you've done a cracking job on bot of them. 

    Looks a nice case and good price, I just feel it may be a ad too small unless I take scope out of the scope rings each session so I can retract the dew shield, then should just fit if the FW fits the width and height. I will measure up again to see if it would do.



  2. I sort of thought that those that do not have an obsy would already be doing something similar.

    I am kind of assuming most do not dismantle their scope after every session to put it back in the case as you would have a fair bit of setting up to do next time fitting the guidescope, FW, camera and so on. I just wanted to leave the rig all set up but protected.


  3. 17 minutes ago, newbie alert said:

    Can I ask where you live as there's a place that makes cases and if you leave them what you want to put in it they mould it perfectly.. it's near Hertford I think

    BD23 1BB, near Leeds / Bradford.


  4. You could try asking on the APT website Ivo usually gets back with help within a day or two. 

    One thing I found early on is that if you have some programs that are set to tun in administrator and some that are not then EQMOD doesn't like it. Either run them all in Administrator mode or none of them and tbh I have tried both ways and find it much easier if none are in Administrator mode.

    I am sure I had exactly the same issues originally and think this was the reason but not fully sure if that was the only thing I had to change.

    Keep with it though APT is a great piece of software and like I say try asking same on the APT forum you are sure to get an answer.


  5. 4 hours ago, carastro said:

    Are you saying you want to leave it all erected but wheel it in and out?  Sounds like a pretty big case will be needed.


    Just the rig itself, ie what is connected to the dovetail. So 100ED scope, guidescope, Dew band controller, focusser, FW and camera. 


  6. 4 hours ago, Carbon Brush said:

    Can you give an idea of the case internal size? I think this will help in working out the best approach.
    I'm having difficulty getting my head around what the size might be as it depends on the level of strip down.

    I might have an idea......


    Minimum inside dimensions minimum 950mm X 300 x 300mm


  7. Just a quick update, I finally got this working perfectly, with some help form Ivo on the APT forum.

    Basically I had recently downloaded ASTAP for blind solving but never tried it. But I had not downloaded any database of star formations for it. Before this I was using ASPS which did have databases loaded.

    So when I loaded these it worked perfectly.

    Also Ivo questioned why I was using blind solve after the flip which I was nt sure why I think only because when I searched for other peoples setup it always had blind solve after flip option checked. So now I have unchecked this option ant it also works perfectly just a little quicker than with the blond solve.

    Happy Days 🙂 


  8. Like many, I have no permanent setup and so have to take my imaging rig down most days after a session and put it away in my garage together with the tripod and mount.

     Obviously I do not strip down all the imaging rig each night so I can store it in the case it came in which means I have to cover it up to keep the dust out and it is rather vulnerable. So I plan to make a wooden box which it all fits in nicely clamped to the base so I can also use it for transporting it as well. I am guessing that many will already have done something similar so I wondered if I could see some examples as I am rather stuck as what to do at the moment and would like a nudge in the right direction..



  9. 20 hours ago, johnturley said:

    I understand that you can get a free download version of Pixinsight, would this offer significant advantages over Adobe Lightroom, which I already have.

    I should stress that I'm not interested in spending hours stacking, and processing images, just want spend a few minutes to improve brightness, contrast etc., of short exposure deep sky, lunar, and planetary images taken with a digital SLR. 


    You can get a free download that lasts for a month to trial the software, they are actually pretty good also at extending the trial if you sound genuine and so you may get 2 months out of it.

    I would give it a trial but to be honest from what you say in your post it may be a bit OTT for what you require and it would require.


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  10. 2 minutes ago, geeklee said:

    I'm trying to tell myself I'll manage with the same setup.... but I'd also prefer the printed copy when working on an image.  It's age for me too.... isn't it... 😅

    I am the same, no matter how I try I just do not seem to enjoy reading on-line documents like I do with a book, and yes I think it is an age thing, but also I do not think it is a bad thing, there is just something about a book that a screen cannot replace.

    I think it is like downloads and vinyl. Yes the download is much easier and the quality is even better but look now how many are going back to vinyl.


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