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Posts posted by Z3roCool

  1. 2 hours ago, Marvin Jenkins said:

    That is amazing. Everything I am aiming for in the future. Thanks for the motivation, brilliant. Any details on ISO and exposure length, plus any dark arts I am unaware?

    Thanks for the kind words :) This was the first Milky Way shot I have ever tried, Normally do DSO work with my setup. Cannot remember the exact settings, will dig out original and take a look when on my home PC. Best thing to do is just get setup with tracker in the darkest sky you can and just play. I think this was set about ISO 800 and wide open (f2.8) and then adjusted to get the right exposure. The clockwork tracker I used seemed to get to about 2 minute exposure maximum before star trails became obvious. Once I had worked that out I just adjusted the ISO to suit the exposure of the image. I did take a numbr of images but still not been able to stack very well so just the single image for this one.

    I connect my camera up to my laptop and use BackyardEOS (Or Astro Photograpghy Tool) so it makes it easy to look at the subs very quickly and adjust settings in software.


    Good luck :)

  2. I have just signed up for the Plan 40 with Triple Points Bonus so have 160 points.

    I have my own kit and do a lot of imaging myself at home. I have learnt everything myself and think I have a pretty good grasp on the process,. Always loads to learn, that is why I love this hobby. I love a session under the stars but for me it is very few and far between I get the chance. Also there are a number of targets I cannot see in the UK.

    For these reasons I think capturing data from a remote site is fine. I get to use kit I can never afford, in dark sky I will probably never get to other than the odd occasion a year, that is hoping the weather plays ball also. I will be able to get data on targets I will never see from the UK. Yes, I will not have the satisfaction of setting up and overcoming the challenges of doing the hard work myself, but as an add on to capturing data myself I think it is brilliant.

    As long as someone does not pretend they captured the data from their back garden and states it is data captured from a scope half way up a mountain in dark sky, setup and managed by someone else, all is good :)

    • Like 1
  3. I have this with my NEQ6 Pro also. When I am further South (Drive down to Morocco) it is a lot easier, but when in UK it gets stiff as anything. I have found that the screw is not quite perfectly in line with the thread. I remove and change the angle very slightly and then it goes in fairly well. I have added some lube before now just to help it along.

    **EDIT** RolandKol post seems more like what you are having....think mine is just a dodgy thread

    • Thanks 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, RolandKol said:

    I did one myself, with thermometer and etc.

    Total price around £60, works perfectly with SPG and APT, one step = 2.42 microns.

    Not electrician... So had to buy soldering equipment and multimeter (just in case, - handy to have anyway).

    took a bit to read and learn, - but I have now the tool, which is kinda "unbreakable", if something will go off, - easy to fix as I know every part :)


    The guy who shares his project, - worth Gold! :)

    That sounds brilliant :)

    May have a look at this...even though I did an Electronics & Engineering course many years ago...I am not the best when it comes to DIY but will have a go :)

    • Like 1
  5. 30 minutes ago, NigeB said:

    Hi Tom,

    I have experience of only one autofocus solution - the Lakeside system which Ian King Imaging is the dealer for. I've fitted these on all my telescopes to date - C14, TOA150, C11 and Altair Wave 80. I find they work very well, including integration into SGP (there's an ASCOM driver). Lakeside provide the motor, mechanical connectors, control unit and mounting bracket - if there's not an off-the-shelf bracket already available for your chosen 'scope, they'll make one - all you do in this case is make a few simple measurements of your telescope focuser geometry, using a diagram which Ian King will provide.

    Other solutions available etc etc, but I've been very happy with my experience of Lakeside's offering.




    Many thanks Nigel for the info. Sounds promising :) I will look into that for sure.

  6. Hi there, currently use a Canon 400mm lens but at some point soon will purchase a SW Esprit 80 or 100.

    Once I get comfy with my setup I will want to go down the Auto Focus route with SGP running the process.

    I have taken a look into what I would need to get this up and running but cannot find much info.

    Can anyone advise on this at all? Probably fairly simple but have no knowledge at all.


    Many thanks for your time,


  7. I live in Bortle 5-6 but spend a lot of time with family on IOW so below is that reading:


    Will be here though in just over a weeks time! Road trip down to Morocco. Packed all my gear into Motor Home and worrying I have forgotten something.


    • Like 3
  8. I got the NEQ6 and was in the same boat. Tried a friends zoom lens (Cannot remember exactly what it was now). Got fairly decent results. Found we had to tape the ring to stop it from slipping (Maybe just his lens). Was getting 3-4 mins unguided at about 400mm, over that and 4 mins was pushing it (Slight oval stars). I have used my Prime Lens (400) which I have got some pretty good results with (For me). I have held off buying an ED80 for 2 reasons, lens gets me good results at the moment when I am still learning and money! As I think you have already decided, give it a go and then go onto a scope later down the line.

  9. After 3 months of getting my first setup together, finally had a chance to try everything out. Other than a few initial issues with targeting got to grips with putting into practice everything I had read. Other than some dodgy colouring in processing, fairly happy with my first ever session. 


    Andromeda Galaxy v1.2.jpg

    Orion Nebula 18-02-2018 v2.6.jpg

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