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Posts posted by Z3roCool

  1. Hi there, I have just purchased the ASI1600MM with EFW and NB, LRGB filters. 

    I plan on using NB mostly from home as terrible LP. Was just thinking if an LP filter would fit on my setup to work with the LRGB filters (if not will only use when at darker sky). 

    My setup is as in photo. 1600 straight onto EFW and then the EOS adapter for Canon camera. Would I be able to fit anything between the adapter and lens?

    Cheers for any ideas. 



  2. 5 minutes ago, carastro said:

    I use a mains to 12V adapter:


    Which then has a 12V splitter plugged into it, something like this:


    Then into that I plug my Dew controller, and my CCD camera and filter wheel.

    (Gets more complicated if I have the dual rig running, but you don;t need to know about that). 



    Thanks for info Carole :) Not sure why I found this so hard to get around in my head! :D The one thing I have suffered with is dew problems that cut short my imaging time. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, upahill said:

    Would depend on how many amps the straps draw, those plugs will handle 5v @ 2.1A (that might be shared on the cheaper ones)

    The straps I just looked at on eBay are 4W and draw 0.8A @ 5v each so would be fine. YMMV depending on your straps specs.


    I don't know what your setup is, but I picked up one of these https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Surge-Protected-6-Way-Extension-Lead-White-6-Gang-Multi-Plug-Socket-with-USB/133045836542

    for £8 at HomeBargains yesterday to use on my pier so I can have my phone and torch charging. Saves a socket.

    Thanks for info :)

    That multi plug looks the business. Will check the specs of the straps I purchased, hopefully will be good.


  4. 1 minute ago, upahill said:

    That would make more sense!

    Sure I read somewhere about the USB port needing to be a certain output? Can anyone confirm or are dew straps all different? I know probably pretty simple stuff but I have no clue when it comes to leccy! :D

  5. Hi there, I purchased 2 dew straps for my camera lens and guide scope. Fit fine but they run off USB style connectors. These ran okay from my power tank. The battery died fairly soon after I started to use them and I now just use the mains from the house to power my mount and other gear. 

    The question I have is, do I just need to get a 240v mains adapter to cigarette style connector with USB ports on to power the 2 dew straps?

    Something like this - Cigarette to USB Power

    and then this - 240v to Cigarette Adapter

    Thanks for any input.


  6. 8 hours ago, michael8554 said:

    An unusual request, most of us are looking for more rather than less !

    A really short exposure will only capture the brighter stars, so no need to stack any more as you have all you want in that one exposure !


    Hi Michael, I need to get as much data as possible as trying to image the nebula detail...short subs just will not get me that and stacking is essential to get the noise down and the detail in the DSO.

  7. 1 hour ago, catburglar said:

    I know what you mean- I had a go at the veil nebula last year with a DSLR (unmodded) and Samyang 135mm. Initially all looked good in the subs but as you process for the nebula the stars end up dominating the field.
    Not sure that there’s much you can do at acquisition. All comes down to post processing/masking before stretching the different aspects of the images.


    Yep, I get the same. This is with my Canon 7D and 400mm L Canon lens.  IF I get anymore data it just starts to crowd out the Nebula. I suppose I just need to learn how to process the image correctly (For my taste) as AKB mentioned above.


  8. Hi there, I take images of DSO's using my Canon 7D and 400mm Canon lens or similar. Especially when imaging shorter focal lengths when taking a lot of subs, the data looks great but I end up with a really crowded star field. I can process some of this out in post processing but was wondering if there was a way to stop/help this at the data gathering stage. Maybe a filter would help. Do not really need LP filters as in Bortle 4  but if there was something that would help this, sure I have read about something before but cannot find.

    Thanks for any advise.



  9. When I first started out I had a DSLR and 400mm lens. Really wanted a Refractor and CMOS camera (1600 or 183 MM) but could not afford both and really did not know I would be able to master imaging or not.

    Decided to go in stages and start with a good base (NEQ6) and use my 400mm Canon and 7D with a guide scope and small mono camera.

    Pretty much sorted imaging with this and can see where my images are lacking. I know I want more so will soon, when I can afford, get a CMOS camera and then refractor.

    Of course, if I was loaded the journey may have been very different! Would probably have dropped 5k straight away! :D:D Actually, no probably about it!


    Will watch your video tonight as at work now, always like seeing what other people do.

  10. Ahh man! Would love this setup. My dream is to have an obsy in my garden and setup so I can just start imaging every night without having to go through PA etc. And to image at F2!  Really looking forward to what you get , a lot of people using the RASA seem to get some stunning results with fairly short subs, 2-3 mins.  Look forward to your FL :)

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  11. 1 hour ago, Oldfort said:

    Tresco is one of my favourite places.  Just getting there is an adventure, and the helicopter service restarts next spring.

    Yep, love it there. Ferry over was not great this time. My little 3 year old who loves the sea was green as a parrot and slept the entire way (Never sleeps in the day....ever!) Next time I plan on going up to the castle ruins and shooting down the bay between Tresco and Bryher with the Milky Way in the background.

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