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Posts posted by smr

  1. Just read this from a ZWO employee on another forum in reply to Did zwo ever fix their frosting issues?


    actually such issue only happen to 071 camera because its sensor's package is metal

    so it cool too fast and dew will happen on it if the CMOS chamber is not dry enough


    we already fixed this issue with new produced 071 cameras about half years ago

    so if your 071 have such issue just tell us and we will help to fix

  2. 20 hours ago, Allinthehead said:

    As far as i can tell the only advantages of the Zwo version will be the integrated hub and more stable drivers. Zwo have struggled with frosting and dew issues on their larger sensors.

    Qhy seems to be better on the hardware front but lacking when it comes to drivers. I see the early users of the Qhy 600 are reporting software problems.

    I would expect the prices to be very close.

    Yes I've seen QHY have released at least one driver to fix a problem with the 600 so far. 

    Is the reason for the unstable cameras on release due to the vast amount of differing equipment people have and that it's not really feasible to test the camera on all gear before launching it?

  3. 1 minute ago, Adam J said:

    In all honestly I think that I would go with QHY in this instance just because of the issues ZWO have had with the cooling on their larger sensors. But I know ZWO have re-designed their camera mechanics from the 071 so this time they may have gotten it right. On the other hand QHY sometimes have issues with their drivers on first release that are then fixed at a later stage. But while you can fix drivers you cant easily fix a sensor chamber that ices up. Looking historically very few issues reported with the QHY168c and lots with the ASI071mc and even the later pro models seem to require desiccant replacement on a more frequent basis than most cameras, I have read a few people saying that they have had to renew the desiccant right out of the box. Not that I own either, I just read lots of forums and have a good memory for facts and figures. 

    £1800 for a 268c seems like a good deal to me, QHY often do this as they like to get products out into the market early to drive word of mouth etc, it will go up in price after that. Not sure what ZWO are asking for the 2600 but historically it will be more than the QHY version. 



    Thanks for that, so basically they are the same apart from perhaps build quality? Same sensor and quality of performance etc?

    How about the 294MC Pro, aside from a bigger sensor how does that compare and what are the disadvantages of the smaller sensor? Smaller images and print sizes I guess?

    My scope is 430mm.

  4. 1 minute ago, Star101 said:

    Having used my ZWO 183mm pro for some time now, I can categorically say the camera does NOT have frost issues. :)

    I hear a few people on Cloudynights saying they have problems with their ASI071MC Pro's frosting, can't remember if I've seen anything about the 294 having the same thing but I don't think so... although I have heard about the 294 having calibration issues. 


    • Like 1
  5. Ah thanks for that I should have worded it different... I meant how do just the 2600 and 268 compare to eachother, as I'm interested in an APS-C OSC and may be willing to stretch to 1.5-2k for one... 

    I hear ZWO have frosting issues with some of their cameras but QHY don't ?


    And how does hte 294MC Pro compare to these two apart from the obvious sensor size difference? Half the price I'd imagine if those two are coming in around £2k. I think you can pre-order the 268C for £1,800 at the moment.

  6. 25 minutes ago, david_taurus83 said:

    Nice videos! Out of curiosity, how much effort goes into making and editing?


    Quite a bit actually. I'd say it takes me a few days to complete a video at the moment. I have a lot of respect for content creators on youtube after starting my own channel and making my own videos. 

    I use Adobe Premiere Pro and it's fantastic. I enjoy making and editing the videos even though I probably use about 10 percent of what the software is capable of. 

  7. Hi, 

    A new astrophotography channel I've created on youtube, hope you enjoy it, you might pick up some tips or might be able to tell me some (more likely!) I've only made two videos so far so content wise and production quality etc. are still a work in progress but it's good fun. I'd embed the links but they display huge for some reason so here are the links.

    Eastern Veil Nebula: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxMRSwww9-Y


    Triangulum Galaxy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XujC-h4kfSQ


    • Like 3
  8. 1 hour ago, tooth_dr said:

    Great job, well done.  On this myself tonight

    Thanks very much, it's a lovely Galaxy. I've seen some spectacular images of this with Astronomy Cameras so I'm looking forward to imaging again one day when I have one! Good luck with the imaging and have fun.

  9. Hi,

    Here's my image of the Triangulum Galaxy.

    The Triangulum Galaxy is a Spiral Galaxy located roughly 2.73 Million Light Years from Earth in the constellation Triangulum. It's just the third largest member in the local group, behind our own galaxy, the Milky Way, and also Andromeda (the latter of which you can see my image of on another thread on this forum).

    The Triangulum Galaxy is believed to be a satellite galaxy of the Andromeda Galaxy owing to their proximity, velocity and interactions.

    Even though it's an astonishing 3 or so million light years away from Earth, it can be seen with the naked under eye under very good (dark and no light pollution) skies.

    My image is the result of stacking 125 photographs together, some three minutes long and most five minutes in length.

    I then stacked them together in a program called DeepSkyStacker and processed the resulting stacked image in Adobe Photoshop CS6.

    Acquired with the following equipment:

    Imaging Camera: Canon 80D (stock, unmodified)
    Telescope: William Optics Zenithstar 73
    Mount: HEQ5 Pro Rowan Belt Modified
    Guide Camera: ZWO ASI120MM Mini Autoguiding Camera
    Guidescope: Altair Starwave 50mm
    Image Acquisition Software: Astrophotography Tool
    Guiding Software: PHD2 Guiding Software
    Bortle 5 Skies
    No Light Pollution Filter
    125 Light Frames
    100 Bias Frames
    No Dark Frames (Dithered)
    20 Flat Frames per (three) sessions

    Thanks for looking.





    • Like 10
  10. Hi all,

    I've wondered whether I should be buying a decent light pollution filter for sometime now and am unsure whether one would help me.

    If I am able to take 3-5 minute exposures at the correct ISO setting for my Camera (purportedly ISO 200-400 for the Canon 80D) with the histogram data in APT showing 20-30 percent of the way across, do a need an LP filter?

    I have Bortle 5, 19.57 mag skies.

    Obviously if I had a bright orange background then I would buy one without hesitating but the background isn't washed out or so, but it does look a bit brown from the subs the other night on M33.



    I don't think the sky conditions were great, maybe something to do with the altitude, might have been high cloud which was hard to see and the transparency was a bit poor, compared to this Eastern Veil shot, ISO 200, 180 second image, but towards the Zenith on a different night though when conditions looked better...




    But then targets coming up in the winter like the HH & Flame, Rosette etc. are lower down where there's more of that sky fog so the images will probably resemble more of the first with that brown murkyness.

    But anyway, do I need a light pollution filter like the IDAS D2? Would it help SNR even if I can get rid of gradients with gradient xterminator - one inverse selection and medium / medium and the levels are balanced and any background gradients are removed.

    Where I image from doesn't have any direct source of lights really but there's that obvious sort of sky wash which is LED'ish looking, hence wondering if I should buy the IDAS D2.... but if it doesn't improve the SNR also then I don't see much point spending £200 on one.

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