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Posts posted by barkis

  1. Interesting indeed, unfortunately for me, buying more reading material, or even getting Astro. related  freebies
    would be a waste. I have so many books relating to Astro Photography, it almost can be classed a Mini Library in my Den.
    The horrible truth is, I have read little from  these  goldmines of practical knowledge, I was almost afraid to admit
    to this membership the shame I bear for this neglect. 
    Perhaps this confession will waken me up to the need to avail myself of the Information I must absorb, in order to kick off my
    Imaging career, If I have the Gall to call it that. Nevertheless now the truth is out there,
    and I must redeem myself by abandoning stuff that I do, that is getting me nowhere big style.
    I have all the Equipment needed, the Software, the Observatory,  and also the latent desire to make a fist of it.
    This tale of woe goes back a long way, as many folks on this forum can attest to, but I determine to correct
    my failings, and get on with it.
    This probably deviates a bit from the OP's topic, and I apologise for that, but I'm sure Gaz. will understand :D.


    • Haha 2
  2. I too have had  a cataract procedure on my right eye, and I endorse your reaction regarding the amazing result of this procedure. I'm patiently awaiting for March 26th. at 8:45am, when my left eye will hopefully be restored that miracle that great vision provides us with.  I was so grateful for skills of these specialists, that are able to do this magical work.

    The wonder is, how quickly the procedure takes, I  was wheeled in, and wheeled out again, in what seemed like only 10 minutes.

    The saying goes,. " The Best Things In Life Are Free."   That, without doubt, applies here.





    • Like 3
  3. You would be better off with a independent guide scope would you not?
    F10 is going to be problematic  trying to pick a guide star off the edge of the primary mirror via your OAG.
    The link to TH doesn't work, must be a small error in the URL In your post perhaps.
    The reducer may be an option, but I think someone who has used that method would be better positioned to
    answer that question.  
    What targets are you looking to image at that f/ratio Graeme?

  4. There always seems to be problems with these Magazine sponsored projects.   
    They are far from inexpensive  either, and not something I personally would invest in.
    I sympathise with those who  are badly let down, but it is always going to be a risky undertaking.
    Better to by a Boxed  Build If possible, it is more likely to contain all the parts required.


  5. On 31/12/2016 at 17:27, michaelmorris said:

    Just before Christmas the postman delivered a lovely large flat parcel.

    Sky Atlas 2000 deluxe colour laminated edition.  Only £57 delivered from the US.  It was on special offer - 50% off in November. :icon_biggrin:




    That's a great gift to yourself  Michael.
    Just think of the good Quiz Questions you can create out of that big book:biggrin:.
    Have a Good Xmas matey.

    • Like 1
  6. Very Innovative, and very well constructed too.
    I love the Colour, which relates strongly to Vega, Lyra's Alpha Star. 
    Not sure If that was by design, but it suits  so well.
    I wish you both a very happy Union, and in time you produce some little stars of your own.
    Best Wishes.:icon_salut::icon_salut:.

    • Like 1
  7. On 30/12/2016 at 13:06, nightfisher said:

    Postie has just been...........a Turnigy TGY ai6 RX but that will mean nothing to you guys better still he also brought a BST explorer 12mm 

    RC or similar  For your Drone Jules ?

    Postie just delivered a set of new Floor mats for my Qashqai :grin:

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, JOC said:

    Rats!  Mind you I was pleased with the overall look of the picture - it was just a pleasing picture to me.  I was surprised at how easy it was to get a correct exposure with the smart phone, I have taken far more photos with a DSLR, but I think that particular shot was easier to take on the 'phone than it would have been on my DSLR which surprised me. 

    Well  never  mind JOC, at least you didn't whine or  spit a dummy out   :icon_mrgreen:.
    It's just a pity Xmas has passed, that would have made a nice Seasonal Card. Jupiter sitting atop the tree.
    I reckon these Smart Phones are  getting more effective  with each version. 

    • Like 1
  9. As with all my previous purchases from First Light Optic, my latest one, the newly released EQ6 R Synscan Mount,
    arrived on schedule yesterday by FedEX Courier.  Two very large boxes delivered to my door by the driver.
    A weekend had intervened between my placing the  order, and delivery, but one has to say, damned fine service.

    I waited until late evening to open the main container, and when I removed the Polystyrene topping, I was gobsmacked by
    the beautiful mount nestling in  it's preformed bed. All other bits neatly packed in the same manner. 
    Even the wife managed a " Mmm!, that looks really lovely".   So that's a good start :icon_biggrin:.
    Thanks Flo. people for your good work,  I'm looking forward to commissioning this baby.


    • Like 1
  10. 55 minutes ago, johnfosteruk said:

    I've never been sanctioned before and I don't propose to start now. Can't help being a master imager can I!

    Drat, I meant sectioned,  not sanctioned. However,  as you claim the rank of Master Imager,  you are immune from the latter,  but take note,  you are being scrutinised.     Now,  I must get back to Film four,  I'm watching Prometheus,  and it is good. 

  11. Some Mighty Fine Instruments on show in this thread. I know this is exclusively Refractors on display,
     But The forum as a whole is blessed with a huge array of Optical Quality of all Types, Sizes, and Brands,
    from the modest Reflector and  Refractor, to the  higher ranges of both, with their Exotic Objectives.
    Together with the supporting equipment that makes it possible to achieve what the owners strive for, it make a mind
    boggling display to behold.   More Importantly, I feel the sense of pride that comes out from each one
    posted, and rightly so. 
    Very rewarding thread this is. Enjoyed the Images and the comments.


    • Like 8
  12. 17 hours ago, johnfosteruk said:

    I give you a masterpiece, one of the finest examples of the form you will see this side of Christmas. M42 captured on iPhone through the f10 frac and a 25mm EP. 

    Note that in spite of heavy light pollution this is still an APOD quality image  

    In light of this I'm now going to stop saving for a premium mount it's clearly just not necessary. 


    Class Act me lad. All over a Winner, and far too good even for APOD .

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