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Posts posted by barkis

  1. I'd also like to add how friendly I have found this forum.

    As all beginners, I asked the same question that probably every other newbie has asked, and not once did I get a response of "check the other threads".

    I was greeted with enthusiasm and some very sound advice.

    Having to get to 50 posts before I can look at some second hand gear is a struggle tho!!

    Don't worry about reaching the 50 post target. Your membership is way past the required duration, and the posts will soon accumulate.

    A couple here and there soon mount up.:p


  2. Fight you for it Tony :grin:

    If Ron & Mike dont come away from Kelling with at least one image between them, i'm going to scream :)

    Thanks for the action Peter, i'll try it out on some NB images next time. Would it also help with r-g-b filtered images if the stars were of varying size?


    Hey!, what about Stevie Flo? He's had Pro guidance from Mr Loughran, albeit indirectly via James.:):D:D.

  3. Peter,

    I'll definitely try your action but don't hold your breath :grin:

    It has taken me two years to get to the point where I'm ready to start imaging. Weather permitting, if I don't come back from Kelling with some decent images, there will be a bit of equipment in the For Sale section.


    Hey, don't say that Mike. I'm depending on you to get me up and running.:)

    We'll be OK, I've got Steve's Book:rolleyes:


  4. There are only a few occasions when I have ordered bits from TH, but their service was very good I have to say. I used to love going to their shop when it was in London. Farringdon Road. I always was made to feeln at home, even though I never made a purchase.

    I just gloated over the huge scopes on display and dreamt one day, one day, one day. "Hey, how much longer are you going to be"

    The wife, giving me a rude awakening.:)


  5. Hey, you are really building up your stock of goodies Steve. :hello2:


    Unplanned Ron , but it seems silly to spend a extra 20% when the prices rise later this month.

    Plus i have to keep my favorite Astro Dealer in coffee and biccies havent i !!!!! :D

    So that's how it is, and I thought he was above bribery. I guess we shall see how much he has succumbed to this at Astrofest, by the amount of weight he's put on.

    He was only about 5 stone wet through last year. :laughing2:

  6. Sorry about this, but I had to laugh as it was amusing.

    Buzz Aldrin revealed he had a pee whilst decending the ladder to the surface. He paused at the bottom to do so. :mrgreen:

    I never knew that until I saw the Documentery last night. He was determined to do a first at something then. Of course he did not contaminate the lunar environment. :laughing2:


  7. What about the second package then? That scope looks a knockout. I think I would just sit and fondle it.

    Young Emily looks very taken with the red case. Probably thought Santa had brought him something early.

    Ron. :)

    Thanks for your guidance Steve. I need to do some homework. :laughing2:

  8. I am very pleased it has made the difference Tom. The proof of the pudding and all that.

    I know image shift is very annoying, and you can even lose the image at high powers if it is bad.

    I was satisfied fitting the Crayford which is only a single speed one, but with the mirror locked, it is easy peasy now.

    Ron. :D

  9. Hi. Mark. If your 25mm eyepiece works ok, then see how much further your focuser can be moved towards the diagonal mirror. I suspect it won't be very far, and that's why you can't focus using your 9mm ocular. Probably, you will have to consider moving the main mirror up the tube a little bit. The only other suggestion I have is getting a Barlow 2x or 3x. The 3x Barlow, and your 25mm eyepiece working together, will give you almost the same magnification as the 9mm. Those on the forum familiar with the Tal 130 may have a better solution for you.

    Ron. :(

  10. Well done on describing your first time out with your new baby Kenny. you must have had a frustration build up having waited two months to get into action. Once you become very familiar with her, she'll do you proud, it's a very fine instrument. What won't show with the mirror and eye, will change dramatically when you stick a camera in there. And then we look forward to images as good as your first light report.

    Looking forward to what comes next.

    Ron. ;)

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