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Posts posted by barkis

  1. It is inevitable that putting together such a varied, and intricate system is going to throw up a gremlin or two Steve.  I have followed this thread with much interest and admiration from the start, and you have generated much interest in your project.  I'm sure we all hope you can get rid of the bugs that are frustrating you.   The saving grace for us, is knowing that in spite of the glitch in this project, you are still able to produce the high quality Deep Sky Imagery you  are renowned for.      

    Best Wishes matey


    • Like 1
  2. We're fortunate SGL is in very capable hands.   If there was some official body to  monitor Internet forums to investigate their worth to the various  communities that benefit from them, then this place would surely rank very highly indeed, and the Blue Riband for Amateur Astronomy would be pinned to SGL's door.       

        Of course we are spearheaded by the founders, and a great team of moderators, but the members here are the main ingredient that provides the flow of help, and knowledge. You can give yourselves a big pat on the back too.       I have been a member for 12 years, so I feel I can voice this appreciation.





  3. I'm waiting for my second procedure. I had my right eye sorted a couple of months ago or so, but had to re apply to have my left one done too.
    Long waiting list unless you want to shell out a grand or more.  I'll wait thank you.
    However, I'm absolutely over the moon with the difference already, My distance sight has improved immensely.
    I felt uneasy about having someone poking around in my eyes, but  I was wrong to be nervous. These guys know what they are doing,
    and they do it very well indeed. It took about 15 minutes and I was being wheeled out of the theatre for a seat in the waiting room to receive after
    care advice, and  a bottle of eyedrops to be administered three times a day for two weeks., one bottle did not suffice, but I was given a prescription for another
    Which I first had to produce to my GP's , who then  arranged a delivery of another supply.
    So no one should fret over this, it's a doddle, and I can't wait to get back for number two.

    • Like 3
  4. 44 minutes ago, Thalestris24 said:

    I find anything to do with medical interventions on the eyes very scary! I'm sure my cataracts are slowly getting worse but I know I won't even get an NHS look-in until they are really bad.


    Oh Louise, banish such fears from your mind. I'll admit to some trepidation before mine, but believe me, you are in good hands, and there is no pain at all. 


  5. This corrective  eye treatment is certainly beneficial to astronomers, and in my opinion, moreso to the observers, who's eyes are quite precious in the study of stellar objects. For imagers, there are focusing aids to ensure maximum accuracy, so although not imperative,  better checked anyway.

    Perhaps this thread will be an encouragement to those who have troublesome sight, which cataracts are the main culprit. Anyone who feels their sight is not what it used to be, see your optometrist to see if cataracts are developing in your eyes. Believe what you've read here, you be glad you did.





    • Like 1
  6. Well, I'm feeling a bit down today. I  had my appointment at the Hospital this morning expecting my left eye to
    be fixed via a cataract procedure, only to be told it was only to do more tests. I went from one room to another
    for a good two hours before being told that there was no Op. today. I was stunned.
    My final  interview was with the Eye Specialist, who merely confirmed after blinding me with with some  
    piece of equipment he had, that my left eye indeed required attention. 
    The jaw dropping news was that it would be a few more months  wait, due to the numbers in the queue.
    One of the nurses tried to ease the blow by saying there's always the possibility of a cancellation, and I would be called in much sooner.
    Without wishing any harm to anyone, I hope it is sooner, rather than later.
    I feel a right Pillock after telling all my friends today is  the day. One even gave me a lift to Hospital, and told me to ring  him when 
    I was ready to go home. ?



    • Sad 3
  7. 15 minutes ago, Beulah said:

    Good luck, Ron. Please let us know how you get on.  :)

    Thank you kindly Sam. I'm pretty excited about the probable improvement, although I'm really over the moon with the improvement the first procedure has made to my sight.

    Best Wishes..



    • Like 3
  8. It's surprising how well a dirty mirror can still perform. Unfortunately, poor cleaning methods can worsen rather than  improve  optical quality.

    Sensible folk will always seek advice first, before applying a Brillo Pad Scrubber to the surface?.   An exaggeration I know, but there are similar destructive ways that might seem benign, but can be damaging. If in doubt, refrain from doing anything, until a safe procedure is found.


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