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Everything posted by ManixZero

  1. According to this, there are 2 Milkyway class sites within 20 minutes drive away! If it wasn't cloudy I'd be off like a shot! (however, this was probably compiled when my local council had a policy of turning off the street lights after midnight! - A policy they reversed after I bought a telescope! Of course!) Cheers for e share MZ
  2. This is something that I will definitely try! Thanks MZ
  3. Single image...still haven't got the hang of stacking yet.. 30 seconds 1600 ISO. As for other objects.... The goto works fine - it finds M42 - however when I choose anything else there isn't anything to focus on in either the eyepiece camera! I will get there, I'm sure, just brand new to this so don't really know what I'm looking for or at or even what I'm doing! Cheers MZ P.S. I found a Planet!
  4. Starry nights have been few and far between but I have had the chance to point my Nexstar 4SE+Pentax K5 combo once more at M42. I'm still struggling with focusing and blurring, but I'm sure I'll get there! I have now added a 32mm eyepiece to my arsenal which, I hope, will help me find other objects of interest! Cheers MZ
  5. Wow Nige! Definitely going to have at using my f2.8 70-200mm on DSOs - never gave it much of a thought before! Is it best to try to piggyback the camera onto the telescope and use the goto for tracking or stick it on my std tripod and point and shoot - what did you do? Also how much did you have to crop? - I also have a MF 135mm f2.5 lens that is smaller lighter and more suitable for the piggyback option? I guess I will just have to wait for clear skies and give it all a go! Cheers MZ
  6. OK, Guys.... I have taken a couple of images through my telescope and processed them in the only way (as a photographer) I know - Lightroom - I have seen how "Stacking" seems to bring out detail but I am not sure of what the technique is? Is it a load of images all at the same exposure? or is more of a traditional "bracketing" thing where the images are all shot at different exposure value to create a kind of HDR image. All my attempts have failed both in Registax and DSS - I have only tried the bracketed images! So, come on guys, what's the secret to stacking! Cheers MZ
  7. ManixZero

    M42 Attempt #4

    From the album: First Attempts

    First attempts at photographing a DSO! M42
  8. ManixZero

    M42 Attempt #3

    From the album: First Attempts

    First attempts at photographing a DSO! M42
  9. ManixZero

    M42 Attempt #2

    From the album: First Attempts

    First attempts at photographing a DSO! M42
  10. ManixZero

    M42 Attempt 1

    From the album: First Attempts

    First attempts at photographing a DSO! M42
  11. Thanks Nige, Stacking images is something I know I have to sort out - I have tried Registax but can't seem to get it to work. Will try DSS next. Flat frames Bias Frames? all new terms! I have printed a Bahtinov mask but have yet to cut it out and try it. I have downloaded Stellarium and will now have to hunt for NGC 2244. Until then here's another from tonight................. Cheers MZ
  12. Taken tonight - M42 I got my Nexstar 4se for Xmas and despite the advice to the contrary, can't resist hanging my Pentax K5 off the "Other Hole" I found M42 for the first time last weekend and decided to try to take a pic tonight as it was clear. This was one of the best of about 30 shots at between 10sec and 5 mins. 30 seconds ISO 400 and developed in Lightroom. I have only been doing this for a month (viewing and imaging) but I am totally hooked. (I have to improve my focusing technique - I know) But what other targets should I be looking for? Any advice appreciated! Cheers MZ
  13. ManixZero

    Crescent Moon

    From the album: First Attempts

    Second Moon Attempt
  14. ManixZero


    From the album: First Attempts

    My second shot of Jupiter (+4 moons!)

    © ManixZero

  15. ManixZero


    From the album: First Attempts

    My first shot of Jupiter (+3 moons!)

    © ManixZero

  16. ManixZero


    From the album: First Attempts

    My first moon shot!
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