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Posts posted by Jkulin

  1. 1 minute ago, michael8554 said:

    Guiding at high Dec should be easier, as closer to Dec 90, so the stars are "moving" much slower.

    But you may find the balance is wrong,

    And Guidescope to Main Scope Diff Flex may be worse.


    Thanks Michael, I have really excellent balance and I'm using an OAG, the 120EC doesn't like it if it isn't balanced, when not imaging lower down I'm getting around 0.22-0.45rms, but this target  (M97) is all over the shop as high as 1.50rms. I don't take my stuff off my pier so nothing ever changes from day to day, it's usually always a constant.

    I've increased the MinMo on both axis and that has helped a little.

  2. Hi Adam,

    I've been using these for 2-3 years now and they are brilliant: -


    Save yourself and buy direct form Nevada.

    I have two of them and split the loads, which one powering my laptop and mount and the other powering my gear as I have a 33 metre run and don't want any major drop.

    You can just plug them in and forget, never given me an ounce of trouble.

  3. On 13/03/2020 at 20:18, steppenwolf said:

    What pillar drill did you go for - this is something I really could do with! A lathe is probably a step too far as there would be lots to learn and with all my other hobbies (and it is a long list!) I don't have enough years left!!

    I bought one of these a couple of years ago and would be lost without it, I have mode loads of adapters up, but my skills are not up to a lathe as the last time I used one was at school!


  4. I have had the 60EC and now have the 120EC, I had perfect guiding with the 60EC and when I upgraded to the 120EC I knew there were issues but was prepared to see it through, I am now guiding down as low as 0.22RMS error

    Most of the issues with the EC versions were that people weren't prepared to upgrade the firmware, to me that is part and parcel of imaging, it takes 5 mins to upgrade the firmware and you can always revert back.

  5. I saw this and wondered how beautiful it is, then realised it was painted 170 years ago in rural France, what an absolutely superb painting that just goes to show how man has destroyed the night sky.

    I just found this simply amazing and apart from some very rural areas in the world I doubt that we could match the detail now!



    Starry Night by Jean-Francois Millet
    Digital Reproduction Credit: Yale University Art Gallery - Text: Letty Bonnell

    Explanation: A dramatic nocturnal landscape from around 1850, this oil painting is the work of French artist Jean-Francois Millet. In the dark and atmospheric night sky are shooting stars, known too as meteors, above a landscape showing a path through the faintly lit countryside that leads toward trees and a cart in silhouette on the horizon. Millet was raised in a farming family in Normandy and is known for his paintings of rural scenes and peasant life. This Starry Night was painted after the artist moved to Barbizon, about 30 kilometers southeast of any 19th century light pollution from Paris. Millet wrote to his brother at this time, "If only you knew how beautiful the night is ... the calm and grandeur of it are so awesome that I find that I actually feel overwhelmed." Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh was an admirer of Millet's work, and later also painted two dramatic starry nights.

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, almcl said:

    Thanks for posting this John and sorry I only just saw it.

    You've probably worked this out already but in case not, the Mystic Mountain nebula is located at approx 10h 43m 53s  -59° 26' 59" (according to my version of Stellarium) 

    Image below may make it a bit clearer(?) but if not, the images here and here (if rotated a bit) give the location.


    Brilliant, thanks so much, I will now add those co-ordinates into my database for when I travel. I truly appreciate everyones help.

  7. 19 hours ago, souls33k3r said:

    Not a bad shout that. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, had never thought of it. 

    I have been using those "Toilet Tents" for the last 3 years, I'm on my 2nd now which is falling to pieces, as long as they are pegged down then they are perfect to protect you laptop from dew, but they are only shower proof, not waterproof.

  8. Mods, if this is in the wrong section please feel free to move.

    This image came up on my FB feeds and I was just blown away with it by the HST.

    Now I haven't a hope in hell of imaging it from here in the UK, but I would like to attempt it from a country further south.

    I have tried to get the exact co-ordinates for this image but Astrometry can't resolve it, can anyone else give me the RA and Dec Coordinates for this precise image?

    It is just simply stunning.


    Many Thanks.

    • Like 6
  9. 57 minutes ago, Ken82 said:

    I do get halos with the oiii but reading around this appears normal

    Hi Ken,

    Halos are not normal, it is is sign of a batch fault. If your filters are doing that then send them back with proof. Baader are usually quite conscientious and if presented with proof will replace them, one of my very good friends knows the owner and was given some to try, when he demonstrated that there were halos they were exchanged without any question, I have also heard from others about halos and advised them to do the same.

    With regards to Chroma, they used to make them for Astrodon (Allegedly), they are blindingly exceptional filters, I use the 2" unmounted and the difference it has made to my imaging is unbelievably, NB or Broadband, I don't seem to get anywhere near the problems that others do.

    I do hear that the new owners of Astrodon are not brilliant customer service wise, perhaps they are a bit complacent with their reputation!

    Chromas are about 2/3rd's of the price of Astrodon, usually in stock and buy them direct as you will save money.


    • Like 2
  10. On 29/02/2020 at 17:26, simmo39 said:

    Thank you, that look better, Did you use the mask script in PI?

    No I use a magenta removal script in PI which works very nicely using pixelmaths, if you use PI then just add this as a process icon and it does it instantly.

    I've attached the file.

    Magenta Removal.xpsm

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