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Simon Dunsmore

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Everything posted by Simon Dunsmore

  1. Hi, Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for your efforts to identify my problem. The field flattener I had purchased actually had an extension tube attached and I was unaware could be removed. I contacted FLO and as usual they were incredibly helpful. I am still yet to try again, but will let you know how I get on. Thanks again Simon
  2. Hi Wise folks of Stargazers Lounge, So tonight I the odds of having a free evening and clear skies aligned and I thought to try my hand at a little astrophotography. I'm using a Canon 1000d field flattener and Skywatcher 72ed. The problem I have is that I can't wind the focuser in far enough to obtain focus. As far as I know I have the correct equipment and am somewhat baffled. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks for your help Simon
  3. Thanks for the reply. It doesn't look like it has the right connector though
  4. Hi Folks The skies finally cleared, got outside, got set up.... at last!!! Power tank died after 5 mins grrrrrrr. Question, can anyone recommend a trickle charger for the Skywatcher Tank?? I want to make sure it stays charged, just in case we get another clear night sometime this century. Thanks for your help Simon
  5. Hi from Folkestone, Just down the road! Happy to help any time. I also have a 200pds and Synscan, took me a while to figure it out but it works like a dream now. Simon
  6. In the garage. As long as its not too dusty (I used to cover my 200p with a patio heater cover) since then I've sealed the floor so no more dust Cold should be fine but perhaps not damp. Mine has been stored in the garage for the past two years and no issues
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