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  1. Hello, I haven't taken the scope out for a year so I'm a bit... rusty. The other day I took some shots of NGC 1566 and I've been attempting the processing now following the light vortex tutorial. Just as I was about to do the cosmetic correction I noticed my light frames have been ruined, by looks like my master dark (not sure about master flat/dark flat) Why has this happened? Why did my dark frames come out like this? What is my solution now? Photos taken on asi1600mm pro cooled through a Skywatcher 200p. Calibration frames were taken the morning after shooting. I have light leak from my lens cap so I put a blanket etc over the scope as well to make it extra dark. Flats were taken using the APT flat tool using a white shirt over scope pointed at a bright screen. Attached are screenshots of my 60s and 180s shots, the left side is calibrated with darks and flats (which were calibrated with dark flats). the right side is straight out of camera. Also attached screenshot of my 60s master dark , master flat and master dark flat. Everything is auto stretched on Pixinsight. Any help or suggestions or at least the name of the issue so i can search would be so helpful so far "dark calibration frames with white circle" aren't getting me a lot of useful hits of google 🤣 thank you
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