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Posts posted by MilwaukeeLion

  1. 2 minutes ago, John said:

    It does not change the position of the optics so focus should not be affected. It does change the position of the eye in relation to the top lens of the eyepiece. The purpose is to allow different people to find a position where they can see the exit pupil of the eyepiece easily. People who wear glasses when observing usually find that having the eyecup in the lower position works best whereas those who don't wear glasses often find a higher position works for them.


    Thanks, did not know that.  Always take glasses off, will try with glasses on if sun pops back out.

  2. Luminos 15mm / 82 deg.  Dumb question perhaps but adjuster ring to raise or lower eye cup, is purpose to just block reflections or also fine focus?  My good eye is not great but this morning viewing prom with pst seemed focus changed a bit from highest position to lowest.  Thanks!

  3. High hopes of low noise, first cooled cmos.  Extra couple usb ports is nice, includes short filter wheel cord.  Not intimidating as I imagined it would be.  SharpCap which used to working with manages everything for 1600mm.  Drops to -20C fast and holds.  Moving 174mm to OAG will make finding guide stars so much easier.  CS!


    • Like 5
  4. Orion ed80t-cf I use for solar / lunar.  Brought it back into dso fold with clear sky last night, but could not acquire OAG stars no matter what.  Prism popped out of oag recently so took a look but was intact.  Abandoned evening as was getting nowhere fast and temps froze finger tips.

    A peek inside carbon refractor tells all.  A structural support had popped / wedged sideways blocking the oag.  Wonder how long its been like that, year or more.. I recently posted a lunar pic from it.  The good news is popped it back and secure again.

    If saddle ring is in right spot and tightened can pop a structural ring loose on these carbon fiber tubes. 

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  5. 14 minutes ago, Nigella Bryant said:

    Another question. Instead of running usb cable's can I use a raspberry pi3 and use WiFi or Bluetooth with the zwo camera's. 

    Nice all sky set up there, I run my 120mm-all sky via wifi on stick pc with fire capture on it to laptop inside via windows remote connect.  What I like about fire capture time lapse mode is will turn off pc when its finished / before dawn.  So for meteor shower evenings I connect and watch live while it captures or disconnect while it captures, watch tv, connect again, disconnect, forget about it go to bed since it will shut itself down.  

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  6. New years eve m42 dslr, f5 refractor, 3 image sets combined, 10 sec x 61 + 1 min x 63 + 3 min x 21, iso 800, flats, darks, bias each set.  May add 5 min set, clear skies!

    m42 - Copy.jpg

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  7. Took 43 x 3 min subs iso 800 other night.  Brightest stars have uneven halo (bottom left of star only), ran some tests in PI of 1st, middle and last image & contour plot of master flat.  Looks like camera is pointing down vs center, is that what tests show ?  Everything screws together in image train, Esprit 80 - flattener - DSLR nothing loose in between.   If so what's best way to align a  focuser?  

    Thank you.

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