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Status Updates posted by Tim99

  1. Hi Dave. I just discovered the profile feed. I guess the idea is to check our friend's profile feed to see what they are up to.

    1. Dave In Vermont

      Dave In Vermont

      This is driving a few folks buggy. I've heard/read several shrieks regarding this function. I stand amused.

  2. Had surgery on my knee. Torn Meniscus. Homebound during period of clear skies. Go figure.

    1. xtreemchaos


      hope you feel 100% soon. charl.

    2. MarsG76


      Hows the recovery going?

  3. Still waiting for clear skies ....

    1. MarsG76


      Aren't we all...

    2. ronin


      2 sort of opposed things I recall:

      Doing astronomy you realise how few clear nights we have, whereas commuting into London and so walking to the station realised how few rainy days we have.

  4. Thinking about buying a Celestron Edge 9.25 sct

    1. MarsG76


      Don't think about it... Just do it...

    2. Tim99


      I bought the Celestron Edge 9.25 SCT with CGEM mount yesterday. Looking forward to my new Telescope which will be here next week. Astronomics ran out of mounts and expect more on Friday so it will be the middle of next week before delivery. Hey, I have waited this long. I guess I can wait another week.

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