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Everything posted by Voxish

  1. Well you pays your money and you take your chances.I suppose...
  2. Didn't Olly, long ago on this very forum talk about Takahasi's appalling quality control? I think he had a lot of anecdotal evidence and said he was happy to discuss it The paint is reputed to chip very easy, I have heard people grumbling about their focusers too. I might be wrong here, and perhaps I am, but wasn't one of their scopes withdrawn recently due to collamation problems? I had a Tak, an FC, honestly, it was alright, but it was just a Telescope and not very different from any of the other apo's I have owned. I sold it and bought a bigger scope, an ED 120, which was the right discussion at the time and bought a couple of eyepieces with the change. I sold that one too and bought a big dob.
  3. Very nice. I have a tide clock, makes nipping out for a quick couple of casts a little more accessible
  4. Indeed, exactly that. Good to see to see you again btw John. I for one missed your contributions, even if I rarely post myself.
  5. I own one telescope (an 4 inch fl7 apo) and 6 eyepieces, which I confess is probably 2 too many. Mine are a mixture of ES 68 and 82 of numbers. They are 4.7, 6.7, 11, 16, 20 and 28 mm. The 28 mm 68 is a really very good eyepiece. The 6.7 is my most used planetary eyepiece and if I get the chance my 4.7. However I conceed that I have too many. The 4.7 gets a lot more use than I had imagined, but the 20 mms doesn't get used much and the 11 mm really only for white light solar, and even then the 16 mm could probably be just as useful. I had thought about changing the 16 mm for a 82 degree 14 mm, but the 16 is very good and I have a morbid fear of buying astro gear. Getting it wrong is expensive and I have been very lucky so far judging from some of the stories I have read on here over the years. On a different matter I have never understood why ES eyepiece are not more popular in the UK, excellent build quality, identical optical quality to TV and less than half the price, I don't get it.
  6. Yeah I have one of these for a few years too now, I think mine is numbered number 50 I think. Anyway it's an excellent telescope, wonderful build quality and superb optics. I have yet to hear anyone day a bad word about them.
  7. Hi Sorry to hijack this old thread but I don't suppose that anyone out there has an old cap knocking about that might fit a 8 mm TV plossl they are happy to part with? All expenses paid of course
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