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Yawning Angel

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Posts posted by Yawning Angel

  1. The waterproof base layer went on today, along with the trims. It’s basically waterproof now, pending the glass mat reinforced top coat(s).

    Massive thanks to the fellow astronomer, Joe, from the technical team at work for his expertise! 

    Joe having a well deserved brew!




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  2. Dodging showers today, managed to get all the marine ply up and fixed. Had to take the rails off, as the next step has GRP trim, which the rails will be fixed through. It did mean I could temp screw the whole assembly down, for safety

    A bit of a fight with an 8x5m tarp / sail / parachute ? All roped down safe, weighted and even screwed some batons to it



    Very odd to be ‘inside’ finally. Immediately needed a light ?

    The base layer of the waterproofing goes on this Sunday, hopefully 

    • Like 1
  3. Quick update of the weekends efforts:

    The warm room has a roof and the rolling roof is ready for it's sheeting! This show the rolling roof 'open', as it's being used to help pin the tarp down. Now we get to see if keeping the walls open till the roof went on was a good idea. It is intended to keep the wind lift down by allowing free flow on both sides - I love a good 'theory' ?

    Also, this was the first test of a full roll off, which was very smooth, even considering the metal rails on the warm side aren't fixed down. Amazing to feel the heft of those 3m long 200 x 100 side rails running with one finger!


    Nice to looks up and see a ceiling ? Marine ply over 100 x 50mm joists. I spend a while sat on it today, screwing it all down, and it felt rock solid


    I might chance a day off during the week to get the ply on the rolling side - this would bring the waterproofing one step closer. Fingers crossed

    • Like 4
  4. 9 minutes ago, Astrokev said:

    Yes, couldn't agree more. It certainly keeps me motivated ? 

    Not that it's a race of course, but with possibly the longest build on the forum, I don't think I could stand the embarrassment if you guys beat me to the finish line ?. At least for the main build anyway; I suspect it may be a while before I install a permanent power supply and will probably be running off an extension cable for a while.

    Keep going Alex and James - your builds are looking great.

    End of the year is my goal. Dry and powered. We’ll see ?

  5. So as not to let the side down, I’ve also been busy building today, if only in the afternoon. Gloriously sunny, if cold - Now the rolling roof has joists, and most of the wood that might see weather has now had a lick of paint

    Tomorrow, weather dependent, the rolling roof will be structurally complete, ready for the marine ply and waterproofing top coat. The light was gone before I remembered photos...again ?

    • Like 1
  6. Although the weather was a bit hit and miss, and other jobs demanded attention, I managed to get both rolling rail up and joined together

    Other than that, it roof joists are cut and waiting - next weekend 

    Lastly, I had a great conversation with one of our technical guys from work, about getting the roof coated. Seems straightforward, so waterproof roof ‘coming soon’ ?

    There would have been photos, but it was dark when I remembered 

    • Like 2
  7. On 06/11/2018 at 23:17, Astrokev said:

    Yes, mine are supposed to be identical (common placenta and all that) but they're not. The younger is actually the spitting image of her non-twin elder sibling. (I have 4 altogether ?).

    Are twins driving us all outside?! I’ve identical twin boys. Just started school ?

    • Haha 2
  8. 9 hours ago, Astrokev said:

    EDIT - nice drawing by the way. SketchUp I presume. I couldn't live without SketchUp!

    Oh yes Kev, SketchUp is making this build possible ?From the finer details of the pier, to the foundations and up, its been great. Not a lot of wasted materials this way too.

    I try to keep it updated of any on-the-job changes, so it’ll serve as a reference in future - or help someone else

  9. We should be getting a special rate from FH Brundle!

    It's not easy to see from the materials as they are, but the notched beams will sit as the sides for the rolling roof, notches to the inside. The wheels will be sat in the notches, raising the beam just enough so the outside of the beam doesn't foul the rail - the test fit worked, although a shim might be needed depending on how straight and level everything is


    The spars, joists and eventually the 'flat' roof will then hang between these two - or that's the plan ?

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  10. It was pretty clear yesterday, which is a blessing and a curse, when doing a roof I kept looking up only to have the sun right in my eyes ? Are astronomers ever  happy with the weather?!

    The wheels and associated track are v grooved from FHBrundle. 80mm diameter. Rated to 250kg. Very smooth action, simple but well engineered. Hopefully I can do it justice 


    These wheels

  11. Rolling roof sides done & notched for the wheels. 50 x 200 laminated to 50 x 175, 3m long. Storing then on the roof for now ?

    Wheels are 650 in from each end. A rough trial and it seems to be able to roll, might need a washer or 2 for clearance. Some pics:







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  12. Funny how that happened, Kev - I've been following your build with interest, and cribbing your fixes and tips! I've been doing bits, but it kind of looks the same, so haven't updated ? I should be able to start on the rolling roof build tomorrow, assuming the forecast is even half right, and the ply is cut ready for the warm side roof to go on. Door frame is in, and I'm cutting up the cladding lengths. Would have had a door too, but it arrived with a massive split in it, so waiting on the replacement

    I'm building all the bits I can, then assembling it like an Ikea bookcase

  13. Oooh, you’re still winning ?

    Another frame up today, with plans to complete the back wall tomorrow. Underestimated for stud, so working where I’ve materials

    Starting to gather a quantities list for the roof, to get it all ordered up. Will be nice to have the rails and wheels on site finally 


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