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Stub Mandrel

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Posts posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. On 26/08/2019 at 10:27, Uranium235 said:

    Its been a very long time.... perhaps too long..lol.

    20x450 Ha on the Veil, starting off on something easy. No calibration either. I'll probably process it again later on when I remember what it is I used to do :D

    Rob... you really get all your amazing pictures with the ASI178MM cool?

  2. 28 minutes ago, Adam J said:

    Something may be shorting the pins on the USB connection, give them a clean. 

    I stared deeply into teh socket - clean as a whistle. My money is on moisture, especially as the symptoms weren't consistent. Fresh foam now pushed into all orifices!

  3. 14 hours ago, michael8554 said:

    Just in case you want to try EOS Utilities, you're saying this:

    "EOS Digital Solution Disk Software 29.1A for Windows (For users who cannot use the bundled CD"

    Is only an updater? 

    Wasn't last time I had to use it on a new PC. 


    Can you post a link to it? It doesn't come up if I search for my camera (450D) - I  have spent a lot of time searching for it recently and in the past.

    Found it on the Canada site by searching for your whole sentence. It's marked as for Windows 8.1 which is why it wouldn't let me have it as it kept auto-detecting W10. Requested my serial number, which it accepted.

    (another edit - found W10 version in Indonesia now I know what to search for - the 'solution disk software' - it has V2 of Eos utilities but won't le me download with me serial number saying it isn't for my device - so W8.1 version or bust!)

    If it isn't available doesn't work I'll send @Davey-T a PM, thanks both.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Stu said:

    Brighter but much bigger. This is where surface brightness comes into play.

    M57 is 3' x 2.4', mag 8.8 and a surface brightness of 19.6. M13 is mag 5.8, but is 20' across so has a lower surface brightness of 20.9 making it harder to pick out of the LP. I've seen M57 in a 60mm scope from quite light polluted skies 

    True. Lets do a 'vlaiv' style calculation...

    The difference is 3 magnitudes = 2.514^3 = ~16 times brighter

    Area of M57 ~ 7.2, let's call it 7 to allow for the hole!

    Area of M13  = 3 x 10^2 = 300

    Ratio of areas 300/7 = 42

    Ratio of brightness per unit area 42/16 = 2.6 = 1 magnitude


    So in practice on a 'magnitude per unit surface area' basis M57 is one magnitude brighter. I'd guess that means you have fairly narrow range of sky brightnesses where you can see one and not the other, so worth trying again on good clear nights.

    Aslo, try low magnification! M13 is visible naked eye but M57 is not because they both effectively become point sources.

  5. Being a lazy git, it's rare I am up at 4:30 am, especially with a set up scope, but just after parking the scope I noticed the moon in the cruck between roof and chimney and had time to get about 50 subs. Only stacked about 12, but picking the best of a small number of great subs has worked really nicely. 150PL and Canon 450D cooled, modded. Hardly any processing, just gamma, deconvolution and masking out  the bright rim given by denconvolution.


    • Like 4
  6. Crikey, I can see the 'keystone' fine here and have never had trouble seeing M13 through a scope. It is just a small fuzzy ball at low mags.

    14 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

    M57 is around Mag +8.8 while M13 is +5.3 making M13 fainter than M57 (Lower number is brighter)

    Lower number is brighter - but that makes M13 MUCH brighter than M57 - it is one of the easiest DSOs.

    BUT it is about 2 magnitudes fainter than  the stars in hercules and slightly diffuse.

  7. I never have problems with my HEQ5, but after a meridian flip all bets are off and a realign would be needed. In practice I can't image far enough past south to be worth flipping.

    Is your problem after a 'flip' or when crossing the meridian with flipping suppressed?

  8. You are about 10-12 degrees south of where I am, so the need for an ADC isn't as pressing. I suspect that you would gain more by using a barlow. I use a 1200mm focal length scope with a x3 barlow element.

    If you were in the UK I would say definitely get an ADC, but in mid Ohio Jupiter should  be getting up to about 27 degrees where the benefit will be marginal.

    Results are very dependent on the quality of seeing and can be very different on different nights.

    If you use Sharpcap it's worth spending a while carefully focusing using the focus assistant or a nearby star (Antares should be well placed for you) with a bahtinov mask.

  9. But... At last, it started apparently normally. Rather than just go ahead and try and make an exposure, I updated the firmware (from 1.1.0 to 1.1.0) just in case!

    And now it appears to be working again. I'm leaving it overnight before I refit the cooler.

    I'm wondering if it was condensation, yesterday I 'improved' the insulation on the cold finger where it's outside the camera. It passes close to the USB socket and may have made it wet. I'll have a go at sealing the area a bit better with more foam.

    Thanks for all the ideas and suggestions folks.

    Damn. I'm waiting on an invoice to be settled, if it had happened I might have pressed fire on a mono cam...

  10. 47 minutes ago, michael8554 said:

    Go to Canon USA, Support, choose camera, choose Drivers and Downloads, choose PC OS version, choose software, first offer is the CD ISO for people without one. 


    Afraid that just gives me the updater like the UK and Canadian sites.

    The page about Eos Utility states:


    **Note: If EOS Utility Software is not listed. Download the “EOS Digital Solution Disk Software” This download contains EOS Utility among other software for your camera.

    **Note: “EOS Utility Updater” is only an update, not the full software. Only download this if you have EOS Utility already installed on your computer.

    But the only version you can download is 3.X, you need 2.x for the older cameras.

  11. It really is misery time here! My car overheated - turned out when I fitted a new thermostat the spring clip on a hose was the type that clips wide open. In queues of traffic today I gradually lost most of the water although the pipe didn't blow off and held some pressure. Managed to get another few hundred yards to the co-op and once it cooled a bit topped up with a litre of pre-mix and five-litre bottle of mineral water.

    Well to cheer myself up here's a couple of Jupiters from the first of the recent clear nights. I tried drizzling the best one 1.5 times and found it precessed better in registax wavelets than astra deconvolution. Not bad for such a low target and 6" scope.






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  12. Well this is tough.

    Realistically I'm looking at two choices ASI174 or ASI 183 and cooled or not.

    I'm impressed at your results with an uncooled camera on such warm evenings.

    Makes me wonder how effective a peltier fitted on the back and some insulation would be...

    Darn it ... the 1600 with bigger sensor and in-between pixel size is clearly idea, but...

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