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Stub Mandrel

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Status Replies posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. wow just had a earthqwake here is south wales, it nearly chucked me outa my chair, its the biggist ive ever felt in the uk. no damage I can see, did anyone else feel it. charl

    1. Stub Mandrel

      Stub Mandrel

      My daughter rang me up afterwards to tell me about it - she's in Cardiff.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  2. Just passed the Life in the UK test! Yuppieee!

    1. Stub Mandrel

      Stub Mandrel


      Made it, with a couple of errors!

      I thought it was very Anglo-centric, mostly asking for the 'English' option across the four countries of the UK.

      Well done.

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  3. Just passed the Life in the UK test! Yuppieee!

    1. Stub Mandrel

      Stub Mandrel

      Congratulations Piero!

      I've been here since birth and I suspect I would fail miserably...

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

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