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Posts posted by AbsolutelyN

  1. 17 minutes ago, gorann said:

    Yes, probably easier for me than trying to fix the tilt. Very small margins at f/2. Are your elongated stars in all corners? Maybe your chip distance is a bit off?

    I think the distance is very close, possibly just a bit of tilt in one corner. Two images attached of each corner, just quick crops from raw stacks.  Happy with the HA but LRGB filters are never as good. All Baadar 2" filters.  



  2. 15 minutes ago, gorann said:

    Thanks! Yes, my stars were also elongated in some corners probably due to minor tilt (not chip distance since one corner looks good). I simply fixed them with an old trick in PS, took 20 minutes. The way I did it was to make a duplicate layer and then in blend mode Darken move that top layer with the arrow keys until I get round stars and use the brush tool on the layer to apply only in the affected area. Have to do it separately for each side or corner as the elongation was in slightly different directions.

    Thanks Gorann, that's a nifty little trick. Not come across that one before - just tried it and work really well. Love the power cable trick too.

  3. I use the Canon 200mm 2.8ii on full frame and am getting good results from it, though I stop it down a bit to f3.5 or f4. Never used the Samyang 135 but am very interested in the lens. Have bought Samyang once before and had to send it back as elements were clearly misaligned. Anyone know if they have improved their quality control or do you need to send back X number of copies to get a good one?  

  4. 16 minutes ago, nfotis said:

    Very nice, so it fills the frame with a 200mm lens, or did you crop?

    I have a 70-200/2.8L IS  and a 400mm/5.6L lenses, and I would like to make an attempt at it, but the lack of a mount and the light pollution here in Athens are a major impediment...



    It has a very slight crop but not much, it pretty much fills a 200mm frame on full frame. This is taken in Bortle 5 skies and it never really gets properly dark here.  You can use short exposures to avoid star trailing to some extent - this is a stack of 4 second exposures but it was on a badly aligned tracker. Experiment and find what focal length you can get away with. 


    • Like 2
  5. This is (so far) my best attempt at the comet taken last night. Sky was hazy and not really very dark (@ 1am - 2am). It's 69x 20 second exposures (800iso) with Canon 6d and 200 2.8 lens. Stacked in Pixinsight with CometAlignment and then stars added back in Photoshop.  Not used to working with DSLR images ... seems much harder



    And this is comet through the arches of the Crimple Viaduct 


    A few more with viaduct on my website if anyone is interested.

    • Like 24
  6. 1 minute ago, Adreneline said:

    I really like that - very edifying. How extensive is this region of IFN? Are regions of IFN catalogued/mapped anywhere?

    Thanks for sharing - very inspiring.



    Thanks Adrian. Polaris is surrounded by IFN - try search Astrobin and you'll get various widefield images showing how extensive it is. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. Thanks Adrian. This is just to the left of the Orion Nebula. I'd hoped to get a lot more data but don't think there is any more time until later in the year so may revisit this one. 
    Very impressed with the RASA, but also very hard to get good stars into the corners. Similar to working with fast lenses I guess.  

    Annotation 2020-03-02 131225.png

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  8. 31 minutes ago, Nikodemuzz said:

    Looking quickly it seems that there is less color noise in the latter, "darkless" image, which is interesting. Hot pixels are still there in both images, should they not have been removed during the stacking/calibration? Well, I am by no means an expert here, I'm sure the more experienced users will be able to help.

    It's very possible not getting it quite right yet ... 

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